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Vocable Translation
ac (=atque) Conjunction and, and also, and even, as
altus/alta/altum, AO Adjective high, deep, shrill, lofty, deep rooted, far-fetch…
arcus, arcus [m.] U Noun bow, arc, coil, arch, rainbow, anything arched or…
arma, armorum [n.] O (Pl.) Noun weapons
armatus/armata/armatum, AO Adjective armed, equipped, defensively armed, armor clad, f…
avunculus, avunculi [m.] O Noun maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister…
barbarus/barbara/barbarum, AO Adjective foreign, of/used by/typical of foreigners, cruel,…
bellum, belli [n.] O Noun (1.) war, warfare (2.) war (3.) war, warfare
brevis/breve, brevis M Adjective short, little, small, stunted, brief, concise, qu…
castrum, castri [n.] O Noun fort/fortress, camp (pl.), military camp/field, a…
cognomen, cognominis [n.] C Noun surname, family/3rd name, name (additional/derive…
comparativus/comparativa/comparativum, AO Adjective based on/involving consideration of relative meri…
contra Adverb (1.) against, facing, face-to-face, in the eyes, …
defendo, defendis, defendere C, defendi, defensum Verb defend/guard/protect, look after, act/speak/plead…
divido, dividis, dividere C, divisi, divisum Verb divide
dux, ducis [m.] C Noun leader, guide, commander, general
eques, equitis [m.] C Noun horseman
equitatus, equitatus [m.] U Noun cavalry, horse-soldiers, equestrian order, bodies…
exercitus, exercitus [m.] U Noun army
expugno, expugnas, expugnare A, expugnavi, expugnatum Verb take by assault, storm, capture, reduce, subdue
fero, fers, ferre IR, tuli, latum Verb (1.) bear, carry, bring (2.) suffer, endure, tole…
finis, finis [m.] C Noun end, limit, border, boundary, (plural) territory
fortis/forte, fortis M Adjective strong, brave, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, …
fossa, fossae [f.] A Noun ditch, trench, canal, moat, dike, fosse
frater, fratris [m.] C Noun brother, cousin
fugio, fugis, fugere M, fugi, fugiturum Verb flee, fly, run away, avoid, shun, go into exile
gladius, gladii [m.] O Noun military sword, kind of short sword, (figurativel…
gravis/grave, gravis M Adjective heavy, painful, important, serious, pregnant, gra…
hasta, hastae [f.] A Noun spear
hostis, hostis [m.] M Noun enemy
iacio, iacis, iacere M, ieci, iactum Verb throw, cast, hurl, lay, scatter, diffuse, skid
impetus, impetus [m.] U Noun attack, assault, charge, attempt, impetus, vigor,…
incolo, incolis, incolere C, incolui, incultum Verb live, dwell/reside (in), inhabit, sojourn
levis/leve, levis M Adjective light, thin, trivial, trifling, slight, gentle, f…
metuo, metuis, metuere C, metui, - Verb fear, dread
metus, metus [m.] U Noun fear, dread, anxiety
miles, militis [m.] C Noun soldier
milito, militas, militare A, militavi, militatum Verb serve as soldier, perform military service, serve…
nomen, nominis [n.] C Noun name, Name, Name, name, name
oppugno, oppugnas, oppugnare A, oppugnavi, oppugnatum Verb fight against, attack, assault, assail, to attack…
pars, partis [f.] I Noun part
passus, passus [m.] U Noun step, pace, [mille passus -> mile, duo milia pass…
patria, patriae [f.] A Noun Home, Homeland, Country
pedes, peditis [m.] C Noun foot soldier, infantryman, pedestrian, who goes o…
pilum, pili [n.] O Noun javelin, heavy iron-tipped throwing spear, pike
praenomen, praenominis [n.] C Noun first name, personal name, noun which precedes an…
pugno, pugnas, pugnare A, pugnavi, pugnatum Verb fight, battle
pugnus, pugni [m.] O Noun fist
sagitta, sagittae [f.] A Noun arrow
scutum, scuti [n.] O Noun shield
soror, sororis [f.] C Noun sister, nun
tristis/triste, tristis M Adjective sad, sorrowful, joyless, grim, severe
vallum, valli [n.] O Noun wall, rampart, entrenchment, line of palisades, s…
versus, versus [m.] U Noun line of verse
vester/vestra/vestrum, AO Adjective your (pl.), of/belonging to/associated with you
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