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Vocable Translation
ab Preposition (1.) from/by/away from (2.) away from, from
ablativus, ablativi [m.] O Noun ablative case (with or without casus) (gram.)
ago, agis, agere C, egi, actum Verb (1.) drive, urge, conduct, act (2.) spend (time w…
amo, amas, amare A, amavi, amatum Verb love
aqua, aquae [f.] A Noun water
atrium, atrii [n.] O Noun atrium, reception hall in a Roman house, auction …
carpo, carpis, carpere C, carpsi, carptum Verb harvest, pluck, seize
cubiculum, cubiculi [n.] O Noun bedroom, sleeping chamber/apartment/suite
cum Conjunction with, when, at the time/on each occasion/in the s…
delector, delectaris, delectari A, delectatus sum (Dep.) Verb delight, please, amuse, fascinate, charm, lure, e…
etiam Conjunction also, too, even, still, again, moreover, as well …
ex Preposition (1.) from, out of, of (2.) From, Out of
fenestra, fenestrae [f.] A Noun window
foedus/foeda/foedum, AO Adjective foul, filthy, unclean, disgusting, loathsome, gha…
habito, habitas, habitare A, habitavi, habitatum Verb reside, live, dwell
hortus, horti [m.] O Noun garden, fruit/kitchen garden, pleasure garden, pa…
impluvium, impluvii [n.] O Noun basin in atrium floor to receive rain-water from …
lilium, lilii [n.] O Noun lily, "lily" trap
nasus, nasi [m.] O Noun nose
ostium, ostii [n.] O Noun doorway, door, starting gate, entrance (underworl…
peristylum, peristyli [n.] O Noun inner courtyard lined with rows of columns, peris…
pulcher/pulchra/pulchrum, AO Adjective pretty, beautiful, handsome, noble, illustrious
rosa, rosae [f.] A Noun rose
sine Preposition without
solus/sola/solum, AO Adjective alone, only, the only
villa, villae [f.] A Noun house, mansion, country house
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