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Vocable Translation
accendo, accendis, accendere C, accendi, accensum Verb kindle, set on fire, light, illuminate, inflame, …
admiratio, admirationis [f.] C Noun wonder, surprise, astonishment, admiration, vener…
aemulus, aemuli [m.] O Noun rival, competitor, love rival, diligent imitator/…
aliubei Adverb in (an)other place/places, in one anoth…
ars, artis [f.] M Noun art, skill
aureus/aurea/aureum, AO Adjective (1.) golden, of gold (2.) golden (3.) golden, of …
civitas, civitatis [f.] C Noun state, citizenship
comes, comitis [m.] C Noun companion, friend
comis/come, comis M Adjective courteous/kind/obliging/affable/gracious, elegant…
cultus, cultus [m.] U Noun worship, adoration
cupiditas, cupiditatis [f.] C Noun desire, longing, passion, cupidity, avarice
duco, ducis, ducere C, duxi, ductum Verb lead, guide, develop, prolong
facilis/facile, facilis M Adjective easy, agreeable
felicitas, felicitatis [f.] C Noun luck, good fortune, happiness
forma, formae [f.] A Noun form, shape, beauty
genus, generis [n.] C Noun origin, kind, sort, class, sex, descent, race, st…
in matrimonium ducere Phrase still in translation
invidia, invidiae [f.] A Noun envy, jealousy, hatred, discontent
iuventus, iuventutis [f.] C Noun youth
maritus, mariti [m.] O Noun Husband, Wife, husband
matrimonium, matrimonii [n.] O Noun marriage
modestia, modestiae [f.] A Noun restraint, temperateness, discipline, modesty
ne Conjunction not, [ne....quidem => not even], truly, indeed, v…
nec / neque Phrase neither/nor
non numquam Phrase sometimes
nubo, nubis, nubere C, nupsi, nuptum Verb (1.) cover, veil (2.) (with dat.) to be married t…
numquam non Phrase still in translation
offendo, offendis, offendere C, offendi, offensum Verb offend, give offense (to), displease, annoy, vex,…
opto, optas, optare A, optavi, optatum Verb choose, select, wish, wish for, desire
praefero, praeferis, praeferre IR, praetuli, praelatum Verb bear, hold or carry before or forth;, place or se…
praeficio, praeficis, praeficere M, praefeci, praefectum Verb put in charge, place in command (with ACC and DAT)
praeter Prap. m. Akk. Phrase still in translation
princeps, principis [m.] C Noun the first, emperor, chief, chieftain
privatus/privata/privatum, AO Adjective private
prohibeo, prohibes, prohibere E, prohibui, prohibitum Verb keep (back), prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit
prohibere, ne m. Konj. Phrase still in translation
raro Adverb seldom, rare
sermo, sermonis [m.] C Noun conversation, talk
simulo, simulas, simulare A, simulavi, simulatum Verb imitate, copy, pretend (to have/be), look like, s…
sordidus/sordida/sordidum, AO Adjective dirty, unclean, foul, filthy, vulgar, sordid, low…
timeo, times, timere E, timui, - Verb be scared of, fear, dread, be afraid (ne + SUB = …
timere, ne Phrase be afraid that
umquam Adverb ever, at any time, sometime
ut Conjunction (1.) as, like, how (2.) that, so that (3.) that (…
utinam m. Konj. Phrase still in translation
velo, velas, velare A, velavi, velatum Verb veil, cover, cover up, enfold, wrap, envelop, hid…
vitium, vitii [n.] O Noun Crime, vice, fault, flaw, defect
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