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Vocable Translation
commoveo, commoves, commovere E, commovi, commotum Verb (heavily) move, prompt
cultus, cultus [m.] U Noun worship, adoration
dico, dicis, dicere C, dixi, dictum Verb say, call, tell
dignus/digna/dignum, AO Adjective worthy, dignified
dominus, domini [m.] O Noun mister, gentleman, lord
dubito, dubitas, dubitare A, dubitavi, dubitatum Verb hesitate, procrastinate, doubt
fuga, fugae [f.] A Noun escape, flight
lacrima, lacrimae [f.] A Noun tear, teardrop, eyewater, eyewater
mundus, mundi [m.] O Noun world
obviam Adverb against, towards
proximus/proxima/proximum, AO Adjective (the) next
quo Adverb to where, whither
repente Adv. Phrase still in translation
salus, salutis [f.] C Noun salutation, greeting, safety, salvation, health
sanctus/sancta/sanctum, AO Adjective sacred, holy
sic Adverb (1.) so, this, still, in this way (2.) Thus, Just…
vado, vadis, vadere C, vasi, - Verb go, advance, rush, hurry, walk
videtur Verb (he/she/it) seems
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