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Vocable Translation
animadverto, animadvertis, animadvertere C, animadverti, animadversum Verb pay attention, focus, notice, observe, estimate, …
antea Adverb before, before this, formerly, previously, in the…
aufero, aufers, auferre IR, abstuli, ablatum Verb see, take away, carry away, remove
augeo, auges, augere E, auxi, auctum Verb enlarge, extend, increase
cedo, cedis, cedere C, cessi, cessum Verb go, withdraw, yield to, grant, submit
clades, cladis [f.] C Noun Disaster
classis, classis [f.] C Noun class, order, sort, kind
claudo, claudis, claudere C, clausi, clausum Verb shut, close, limp, stumble/falter/hesitate, be we…
convenio, convenis, convenire I, conveni, conventum Verb (1.) gather, convene, assemble, accost (2.) agree…
custos, custodis [m.] C Noun guard, guardian, watchman, keeper
donum, doni [n.] O Noun gift, present, give
enim Conjunction namely (postpos.), indeed, in fact, for, I mean, …
finis, finis [m.] C Noun end, limit, border, boundary, (plural) territory
ingens, ingentis M Adjective not natural, immoderate, huge, vast, enormous, mi…
mihi gaudio est Phrase still in translation
mulier, mulieris [f.] C Noun woman
pono, ponis, ponere C, posui, positum Verb (1.) put, place, set, station, set aside (2.) put…
regnum, regni [n.] O Noun reign, kingdom, dominion, control(?)
serva, servae [f.] A Noun slave
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