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Vocable Translation
duo/duae/duo, AO Adjective (1.) two (2.) both
nonnulli/nonnullae/nonnulla, AO Adjective several, some, a few
aedifico, aedificas, aedificare A, aedificavi, aedificatum Verb to build, construct
annus, anni [m.] O Noun year
appropinquo, appropinquas, appropinquare A, appropinquavi, appropinquatum Verb approach, near, converge
autem Conjunction (1.) however (2.) but (put after), however, moreo…
auxilium, auxilii [n.] O Noun help, aid
deinde Conjunction then, then/next/afterward, thereon/henceforth/fro…
deus, dei [m.] O Noun god, supreme being, statue of god
duodecim Numeral (1.) twelve (2.) 12, twelve (3.) 12, twelve
sum, es, esse IR, fui, - Verb be, exist
filia, filiae [f.] A Noun daughter
filius, filii [m.] O Noun son
gratus/grata/gratum, AO Adjective grateful, thankful, pleasant
liberi, liberorum [m.] O (Pl.) Noun children (pl.), (sg. VOC) child
magnificus/magnifica/magnificum, AO Adjective splendid/excellent/sumptuous/magnificent/stately,…
oppidum Noun still in translation
parvus/parva/parvum, AO Adjective small, little, cheap, unimportant, (SUPER) smalle…
paulo post Phrase shortly afterwards, soon after
porto, portas, portare A, portavi, portatum Verb Carry, bring
possum, potes, posse IR, potui, - Verb be able, can
regno, regnas, regnare A, regnavi, regnatum Verb reign, rule
sex Numeral six
tamen Conjunction nevertheless, however, still, despite, yet, notwi…
trans+Acc. Preposition over, away from, across, beyond
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