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Vocable Translation
adhuc Adverb yet, so far, still, thus far, till now, to this p…
ambo Other both
consulo, consulis, consulere C, consului, consultum Verb interview, survey, consult
demitto, demittis, demittere C, demisi, demissum Verb drop, let fall, sink, send/cast/go/flow/float/slo…
dives, divitis M Adjective rich/wealthy, costly, fertile/productive (land), …
divitia, divitiae [f.] A Noun riches (pl.), wealth
gens, gentis [f.] M Noun folk, nation, people, tribe, clan, Gentiles
iniuria, iniuriae [f.] A Noun injustice
magnopere Adverb greatly, exceedingly, with great effort, very muc…
natus/nata/natum, AO Adjective born, descending (from)
nimis Adverb very much, too much, exceedingly, Too much
nobilis/nobile, nobilis M Adjective noble, well born, aristocratic, outstanding (in r…
omnino Adverb (1.) entirely, altogether, utterly (2.) at all, i…
opus, operis [n.] C Noun work, achievement, oeuvre
pavor, pavoris [m.] C Noun fear, panic
quare Adverb (1.) in what way? how? by which means, whereby, w…
saxum, saxi [n.] O Noun rock, stone
seco, secas, secare A, secui, sectum Verb cut, sever, decide, divide in two/halve/split, sl…
sol, solis [m.] C Noun sun
timor, timoris [m.] C Noun anxiety, fear
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