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Vocable Translation
fior, firis, - IR, factus sum (Dep.) Verb to happen, to occur, to pass, to turn into, to do…
a, ab Preposition from, away from, by, (+ abl.) away from, (+ anima…
ac Conjunction (1.) and, and also (2.) and (3.) and
ad Preposition (1.) to, toward, near, at, in, by, about (with nu…
adeo Adverb to such a degree/pass/point, precisely, exactly, …
adversus Adverb opposite, against, in opposite direction, in oppo…
aes, aeris [n.] C Noun bronze
ager, agri [m.] O Noun field, ground, farm, land, estate, park, territor…
ago, agis, agere C, egi, actum Verb (1.) drive, urge, conduct, act (2.) spend (time w…
aio, ais Verb say, assert, say yes
ala, alae [f.] A Noun wing, upper arm/foreleg/fin, armpit, squadron (ca…
albus/alba/album, AO Adjective white, pale, fair, hoary, gray, bright, clear, fa…
alo, alis, alere C, alui, altum Verb nourish, support, sustain, increase, cherish
aliquis, aliqua, aliquid Pronoun anyone, anything, something, someone
alte Adverb high, deep/profound, shrill, lofty/noble, deep ro…
amo, amas, amare A, amavi, amatum Verb love
amicus, amicae [m.] A Noun friend
an Conjunction (1.) (2.) can it be that (introduces question ex…
ante Preposition (1.) before, in front of (2.) before, previously,…
apud Preposition at, with, among
aqua, aquae [f.] A Noun water
armum, armi [n.] O Noun arms (pl.), weapons, armor, shield, close fightin…
ars, artis [f.] M Noun art, skill
arx, arcis [f.] M Noun castle, fortress
as, assis [m.] M Noun an as (a small copper coin, roughly equivalent to…
ater/atra/atrum, AO Adjective black, dark, dark-colored (hair/skin), gloomy/mur…
atque Conjunction (1.) and (2.) and also (3.) and moreover
aut Conjunction (1.) (2.) or (3.) or, either... or (4.) or, eith…
barbarus/barbara/barbarum, AO Adjective foreign, of/used by/typical of foreigners, cruel,…
beatus/beata/beatum, AO Adjective happy, sacred, holy, blessed, blissful, "Saint" (…
bellum, belli [n.] O Noun (1.) war, warfare (2.) war (3.) war, warfare
bene Adverb good
benedico, benedicis, benedicere C, benedixi, benedictum Verb bless, praise, speak well of, speak kindly of (cl…
bibo, bibis, bibere C, bibi, bibitum Verb drink, toast, visit, frequent (w/river name), dra…
biblus, bibli [f.] O Noun Egyptian papyrus
blandus/blanda/blandum, AO Adjective flattering, coaxing, charming, pleasant, smooth, …
bonus/bona/bonum, AO Adjective (1.) good, great, pleasant, favorable, valuable (…
bos, bovis [m.] M Noun ox, cow, bull
bracchium, bracchii [n.] O Noun arm, lower arm, forearm, claw, branch, shoot, ear…
brevis/breve, brevis M Adjective short, little, small, stunted, brief, concise, qu…
brunus/bruna/brunum, AO Adjective brown
cado, cadis, cadere C, cecidi, casum Verb fall, sink, drop, plummet, topple, be slain, die,…
caelus, caeli [m.] O Noun heaven, sky, heavens, space, air, climate, weathe…
caeruleus/caerulea/caeruleum, AO Adjective blue, cerulean, dark, greenish-blue, azure, of ri…
cano, canis, canere C, cecini, cantum Verb sing, sing, celebrate, chant, crow, recite, play …
caput, capitis [n.] C Noun head, leader, beginning, life, heading, chapter
carmen, carminis [n.] C Noun song, poem
cedo, cedis, cedere C, cessi, cessum Verb go, withdraw, yield to, grant, submit
celo, celas, celare A, celavi, celatum Verb conceal, hide, keep secret, disguise, keep in dar…
celeriter Adverb Quickly, Quickly, fast, Schnell
Christus, Christi [m.] O Noun Christ
circa Adverb around, all around, round about, near, in vicinit…
circiter Adverb nearly, not far from, almost, approximately, arou…
circum Adverb about, around, round about, near, in a circle, in…
citra Adverb on this/near side of, towards, nearer, short of t…
clamo, clamas, clamare A, clamavi, clamatum Verb shout, call
coco, cocis, cocere C, coxi, coctum Verb cook, boil, fry, bake, burn, parch (sun), stir up…
com Adverb together
contra Adverb (1.) against, facing, face-to-face, in the eyes, …
cor, cordis [n.] M Noun heart, mind, soul
corpus, corporis [n.] C Noun body, corpus
cors, cortis [f.] M Noun court, enclosure/yard/pen, farmyard, attendants, …
culpa, culpae [f.] A Noun fault
cum Conjunction with, when, at the time/on each occasion/in the s…
cur Adverb why?, why, wherefore, for what reason/purpose?, o…
curo, curas, curare A, curavi, curatum Verb care (for sb.)
curro, curris, currere C, cucurri, cursum Verb run, rush, move quickly
damno, damnas, damnare A, damnavi, damnatum Verb pass, pronounce judgment, find guilty, deliver, c…
do, das, dare A, dedi, datum Verb give, offer, grant
de Preposition down, away from, from, off, about, of, concerning…
decem Numeral ten
deus, dei [m.] O Noun god, supreme being, statue of god
dico, dicis, dicere C, dixi, dictum Verb say, call, tell
digitus, digiti [m.] O Noun finger, toe
dirimo, dirimis, dirimere C, diremi, diremptum Verb pull, cleave, sort (votes), break up (joint activ…
diu Adverb long (time), for a long time
divinus/divina/divinum, AO Adjective divine, of a deity/god, godlike, sacred, divinely…
dolor, doloris [m.] C Noun pain, grief
dominus, domini [m.] O Noun mister, gentleman, lord
donum, doni [n.] O Noun gift, present, give
dum Conjunction (1.) during, as long as, until, while (2.) while,…
duo Numeral (1.) two of (2.) two (3.) two of (4.) two (5.) two
duodecim Numeral (1.) twelve (2.) 12, twelve (3.) 12, twelve
durus/dura/durum, AO Adjective hard, stern, harsh, rough, vigorous, cruel, unfee…
dux, ducis [m.] C Noun leader, guide, commander, general
e Preposition ex: from, of
eo, eas, eare A, evi, etum Verb go, walk, march, advance, pass, flow, pass (time)…
ecce Interjection behold!, see!, look!, there!, here! [ecce eum => …
edo, edas, edare A, edidi, editum Verb eject, put, beget, bear (fruit), display, emit, g…
ego, tu, - Personal Pronoun I, you, he/she/it (personal pronoun)
eligo, eligis, eligere C, elegi, electum Verb pick out, choose
enim Conjunction namely (postpos.), indeed, in fact, for, I mean, …
equus, equi [m.] O Noun horse
ergo Adverb Daher, folglich
et Conjunction and, also
etas, etatis [f.] C Noun lifetime, age, generation, period, stage, period …
etiam Conjunction also, too, even, still, again, moreover, as well …
ex Preposition (1.) from, out of, of (2.) From, Out of
extra Preposition beyond, outside
fama, famae [f.] A Noun rumor, report, fame, reputation
fatum, fati [n.] O Noun fate, death
faux, faucis [f.] C Noun pharynx (usu pl.), gullet/throat/neck/jaws/maw, n…
fax, facis [f.] C Noun torch, firebrand, fire, flame of love, torment
feles, felis [f.] C Noun cat, marten/ferret/polecat/wild cat, mouser, inve…
femina, feminae [f.] A Noun woman
fere Adverb approximately, closely, quite, entirely, altogeth…
fetus, fetus [m.] U Noun offspring/young (animals), children (of a parent)…
filia, filiae [f.] A Noun daughter
filius, filii [m.] O Noun son
fleo, fles, flere E, flevi, fletum Verb weep, cry
flos, floris [m.] C Noun flower, blossom, youthful prime
fluo, fluis, fluere C, fluxi, fluxum Verb flow
fons, fontis [m.] M Noun fountain, source
foris Adverb out of doors, abroad
forma, formae [f.] A Noun form, shape, beauty
fuga, fugae [f.] A Noun escape, flight
fugio, fugis, fugere M, fugi, fugitutum Verb flee, fly, run away, avoid, shun, go into exile
Gallus, Galli [m.] O Noun Gaul, the Gauls (pl.), cock, rooster
gena, genae [f.] A Noun cheeks (pl.), eyes
gens, gentis [f.] M Noun folk, nation, people, tribe, clan, Gentiles
gero, geris, gerere C, gessi, gestum Verb carry, carry on, manage, conduct, accomplish, per…
gigno, gignis, gignere C, genui, genitum Verb give birth to, bring forth, bear, beget, be born …
gladius, gladii [m.] O Noun military sword, kind of short sword, (figurativel…
gloria, gloriae [f.] A Noun glory, fame, honor
gnascor, gnasceris, gnasci C, gnatus sum (Dep.) Verb be produced spontaneously, come into existence/be…
Graecus, Graeci [m.] O Noun Greek
grandis/grande, grandis M Adjective full-grown, grown up, large, great, grand, tall, …
gratia, gratiae [f.] A Noun thanks
habeo, habes, habere E, habui, habitum Verb have, hold, possess, consider, think
herba, herbae [f.] A Noun herb, grass
heu Interjection oh! ah! alas! (an expression of dismay or pain), …
hiems, hiemis [f.] C Noun winter
homo, hominis [m.] C Noun human
honor, honoris [m.] C Noun honor, respect
hora, horae [f.] A Noun hour, time, season
hortus, horti [m.] O Noun garden, fruit/kitchen garden, pleasure garden, pa…
huc Adverb here, hither
ibi Preposition (1.) there, in that place, thereupon (2.) there, …
idem,eadem,idem Demonstrative Pronoun same
ideo Adverb (1.) therefore, for the reason that, for that rea…
ille, illa, illud Demonstrative Pronoun that
imago, imaginis [f.] C Noun likeness, image, appearance, statue, idea, echo, …
imitor, imitaris, imitari A, imitatus sum (Dep.) Verb imitate/copy/mimic, follow, make an imitation/rep…
in+Abl. Preposition in, on
inde Adverb hence, henceforth, from that place/time/cause, th…
infantulus, infantuli [m.] O Noun baby boy, little babe, little infant
infra Adverb below, on the under side, underneath, further alo…
inter Preposition (1.) between (2.) in between, among themselves
intra Preposition in, within, inside
Io Interjection Yo!, Hurrah! (ritual exclamation of strong emotio…
is, ea, id Demonstrative Pronoun this
ita Adverb so, in such a way
item Adverb (1.) likewise, besides, also, similarly (2.) also…
iter, itineris [n.] C Noun journey, route, way, passage
jacio, jacis, jacere M, jeci, jactum Verb throw, hurl, cast, throw away, utter
jam Adverb now, already, by/even now, besides, [non ~ => no …
janua, januae [f.] A Noun door, entrance
Jesus, Jesus [m.] U Noun Jesus
judex, judicis [m.] C Noun judge, juror
jugo, jugas, jugare A, jugavi, jugatum Verb marry, join (to)
juro, juras, jurare A, juravi, juratum Verb swear, call to witness, vow obedience to, [jus ju…
jus, juris [n.] C Noun Law
juvo, juvas, juvare A, juvi, jutum Verb help, assist, aid, support, serve, further, pleas…
kardo, kardinis [m.] C Noun hinge, pole, axis, chief point/circumstance, cris…
karus/kara/karum, AO Adjective dear, beloved, costly, precious, valued, high-pri…
lavandula, lavandulae [f.] A Noun lavender
leo, leonis [m.] C Noun (1.) lion (2.) Leo (name of several Popes), pries…
levo, levas, levare A, levavi, levatum Verb lift/raise/hold up, support, erect, set up, lift …
lex, legis [f.] C Noun (1.) law, rule (2.) law, statute, motion, bill, p…
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
ludo, ludis, ludere C, lusi, lusum Verb trick, play
lux, lucis [f.] C Noun light
lyra, lyrae [f.] A Noun lyre, lyric poetry/inspiration/genius, Lyra/the L…
magnus/magna/magnum, AO Adjective big, great
mando, mandas, mandare A, mandavi, mandatum Verb order, command
manus, manus [f.] U Noun hand, band (of men)
mare, maris [n.] I Noun sea, moon plains
mater, matris [f.] M Noun mother, foster mother, lady, matron, origin, sour…
medito, meditas, meditare A, meditavi, meditatum Verb consider, meditate, think about, reflect on, devi…
mens, mentis [f.] M Noun mind, spirit, intention, purpose, attitude
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
meus/mea/meum, AO Adjective my
mille Numeral thousand, a thousand, [mille passuum => thousand …
mons, montis [m.] M Noun mountain
mos, moris [m.] C Noun habit, custom, manner, (plural) habits, character
mox Adverb soon, Soon
musa, musae [f.] A Noun muse (one of the goddesses of poetry, music, etc.…
nam Conjunction namely, because, since, for
narro, narras, narrare A, narravi, narratum Verb tell
nasus, nasi [m.] O Noun nose
ne Conjunction not, [ne....quidem => not even], truly, indeed, v…
neque Conjunction and not, nor, not, neither
nihil, - [m.] C Noun (indefinite) nothing
nix, nivis [f.] C Noun snow
non Adverb (1.) not (2.) no, not (3.) no, not (4.) not (5.) …
novem Numeral nine
nox, noctis [f.] M Noun night
nunc Adverb now, at present
o Interjection Oh!
ob Preposition on account of, for the sake of, for, instead of, …
octo, octi [m.] O Noun eight
odor, odoris [m.] C Noun scent, odor, aroma, smell, hint, inkling, suggest…
olim Adverb formerly, once, once upon a time, in the future, …
ops, opis [f.] C Noun help, aid, (plural) power, resources, wealth
opto, optas, optare A, optavi, optatum Verb choose, select, wish, wish for, desire
opus, operis [n.] C Noun work, achievement, oeuvre
oro, oras, orare A, oravi, oratum Verb pray, beg
ordo, ordinis [m.] C Noun row, order/rank, succession, series, class, bank …
orno, ornas, ornare A, ornavi, ornatum Verb adorn, decorate
os, oris [n.] C Noun mouth, face
ovis, ovis [f.] M Noun sheep
par, paris [n.] C Noun pair, set of two, conjugal pair, pair of associat…
pars, partis [f.] I Noun part
pater, patris [m.] C Noun father
pax, pacis [f.] C Noun peace
penes Preposition in the power of, in the hands of (person), belong…
penna, pennae [f.] A Noun feather, wing
per Preposition through, by, along
pes, pedis [m.] C Noun foot
pius/pia/pium, AO Adjective dutiful, pious, devout, loyal
poeta, poetae [m.] A Noun poet
pomum, pomi [n.] O Noun fruit, apple, fruit-tree
pono, ponis, ponere C, posui, positum Verb (1.) put, place, set, station, set aside (2.) put…
porta, portae [f.] A Noun door, portal
post Preposition (1.) behind, afterwards, after (2.) after (3.) af…
praeter Preposition besides, except, contrary to, beyond (rank), in f…
princeps, principis [m.] C Noun the first, emperor, chief, chieftain
principium, principii [n.] O Noun beginning
prope Preposition close to, near, Near
propter Preposition on account of, Because of
puella, puellae [f.] A Noun girl
puer, pueri [m.] O Noun boy, children (plural)
pulcher/pulchra/pulchrum, AO Adjective pretty, beautiful, handsome, noble, illustrious
quaero, quaeris, quaerere C, quaesivi, quaesitum Verb search, research, ask
quatio, quatis, quatere M, -, quassum Verb shake
quattor Numeral four
qui Adverb how?, how so, in what way, by what/which means, w…
quid Pronoun (1.) what (2.) What(?)
quiesco, quiescis, quiescere C, quievi, quietum Verb rest, keep quiet/calm, be at peace/rest, be inact…
quin Adverb why not, in fact
quinque Numeral five
quippe Adverb of course, as you see, obviously, naturally, by a…
quom Adverb when, at the time/on each occasion/in the situati…
quum Conjunction when, while, as, since, although, as soon
ratis, ratis [f.] M Noun raft, ship, boat
rea, reae [f.] A Noun party in law suit, plaintiff/defendant, culprit/g…
regina, reginae [f.] A Noun queen
reor, reris, reri E, ratus sum (Dep.) Verb think, regard, deem, suppose, believe, reckon
res, rei [n.] E Noun thing, something, state, event
rex, regis [m.] C Noun king
ripa, ripae [f.] A Noun (1.) river bank (2.) riverside (3.) waterside (4.…
Roma, Romae [f.] A Noun Rome
ruo, ruis, ruere C, rui, rutum Verb destroy, ruin, overthrow, rush on, run, fall, cha…
rus, ruris [n.] C Noun the country, countryside
rutilus/rutila/rutilum, AO Adjective red, golden red, reddish yellow
saltus, saltus [m.] U Noun leap, spring, jump, stage, step, defile, pass, na…
satis Adverb enough, adequately, sufficiently, well enough, qu…
scio, scis, scire I, scivi, scitum Verb know
septem Numeral Seven, seven
sequor, sequeris, sequi C, secutus sum (Dep.) Verb follow
seu Conjunction or if, or, [sive ... sive => whether ... or, eith…
sex Numeral six
si Conjunction if, If
sic Adverb (1.) so, this, still, in this way (2.) Thus, Just…
silva, silvae [f.] A Noun forest
sol, solis [m.] C Noun sun
sono, sonas, sonare A, sonavi, sonatum Verb make a noise/sound, speak/utter, emit sound, be s…
soror, sororis [f.] C Noun sister, nun
sto, stas, stare A, steti, statum Verb stand, stand still, stand firm, remain, rest
sub+Abl. Preposition below, under, beneath
super Preposition above, about, on top, over, upwards, moreover, in…
supra Adverb on top, more, above, before, formerly
tam Adverb so, so much (as), to such an extent/degree, never…
tego, tegis, tegere C, texi, tectum Verb cover
tellus, telluris [f.] C Noun earth, ground, the earth, land, country
toga, togae [f.] A Noun toga
tollo, tollis, tollere C, sustuli, sublatum Verb raise, lift up, take away, remove, destroy
tot Adverb so many
trans+Acc. Preposition over, away from, across, beyond
tres Numeral three
tum Adverb then, at that time
ullus/ulla/ullum, AO Adjective any
ultra Preposition beyond, on the other side, on that side, more tha…
unda, undae [f.] A Noun wave, billow, water, sea
undecim Numeral Eleven
unus/una/unum, AO Adjective one, single, alone
urbs, urbis [f.] M Noun city, town
urgeo, urges, urgere E, ursi, - Verb press, squeeze, bear hard/down, tread, traverse c…
ut Conjunction (1.) as, like, how (2.) that, so that (3.) that (…
vas, vasis [n.] C Noun vessel, vase, pack, utensil, equipment/apparatus …
vel Conjunction (1.) or, even, actually, or even, in deed (2.) or…
volo, vis, velle IR, volui, - Verb want, wish
versum Adverb toward, in the direction of, in specified directi…
vestis, vestis [f.] M Noun garment, garb, clothes
via, viae [f.] A Noun street, road, path, way
vir, viri [m.] O Noun man, hero, husband
vis, vis [f.] I Noun strength (pl. only), force, power, might, violence
vis, viris [f.] C Noun strength (bodily) (pl.), force, power, might, vio…
vix Adverb hardly, barely, only with difficulty, just now
vox, vocis [f.] C Noun voice, voice, sound, word, cry
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