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Vocable Translation
annus, anni [m.] O Noun year
coniunx, coniugis [m.] C Noun husband, wife, spouse
copia, copiae [f.] A Noun supply, inventory, stock, troops (pl), abundance
duco, ducis, ducere C, duxi, ductum Verb lead, guide, develop, prolong
facio, facis, facere M, feci, factum Verb do, make, handle
frater, fratris [m.] C Noun brother, cousin
fur, furis [m.] C Noun thief, burglar
hospes, hospitis [m.] C Noun guest, host, friend
iterum Adverb again, however
meus/mea/meum, AO Adjective my
miles, militis [m.] C Noun soldier
moveo, moves, movere E, movi, motum Verb move, arouse, affect, set in motion, stir up
mulier, mulieris [f.] C Noun woman
pacem facere Phrase still in translation
parco, parcis, parcere C, peperci, parsurum Verb be lenient, spare
pater, patris [m.] C Noun father
pax, pacis [f.] C Noun peace
possum, potes, posse IR, potui, - Verb be able, can
primus/prima/primum, AO Adjective first, foremost, chief, principal
propinquus, propinqui [m.] O Noun relative
propinquus/propinqua/propinquum, AO Adjective near, neighboring
reduco, reducis, reducere C, reduxi, reductum Verb bring back, lead back
resisto, resistis, resistere C, restiti, resistum Verb resist, oppose
rex, regis [m.] C Noun king
uxor, uxoris [f.] C Noun wife
vivo, vivis, vivere C, vixi, - Verb live
vix Adv. Phrase still in translation
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