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Vocable Translation
aetas, aetatis [f.] C Noun (1.) period, time of life, age, season (2.) perio…
aliquando Adverb sometime (or other), at any time, ever, finally, …
bis Adverb twice
Clifton Phrase still in translation
cognosco, cognoscis, cognoscere C, cognovi, cognitum Verb become acquainted with, learn, recognize, (in per…
convenio, convenis, convenire I, conveni, conventum Verb (1.) gather, convene, assemble, accost (2.) agree…
creusa Noun still in translation
dubius/dubia/dubium, AO Adjective doubtful, dubious, uncertain, variable, dangerous…
emo, emis, emere C, emi, emptum Verb buy, purchase
fero, fers, ferre IR, tuli, latum Verb (1.) bear, carry, bring (2.) suffer, endure, tole…
immensus/immensa/immensum, AO Adjective immeasurable, immense/vast/boundless/unending, in…
intellego, intellegis, intellegere C, intellexi, intellectum Verb understand, realize, understand
invitounus Other still in translation
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
mulier, mulieris [f.] C Noun woman
ne Conjunction not, [ne....quidem => not even], truly, indeed, v…
nimius/nimia/nimium, AO Adjective excessive, too great
novem Numeral nine
nuper Adverb newly, lately, recently, not long ago
oraculum, oraculi [n.] O Noun oracle
pono, ponis, ponere C, posui, positum Verb (1.) put, place, set, station, set aside (2.) put…
pretium, pretii [n.] O Noun price, value, wage, salary
primo Adverb at first, in the first place, at the beginning
pro+Abl. Preposition in front of, for, in the name of, instead of, on …
prope Preposition close to, near, Near
propono, proponis, proponere C, proposui, propositum Verb display, propose, relate, put or place forward
puto, putas, putare A, putavi, putatum Verb think, clean, trim, reckon, suppose, judge, think…
reliquus/reliqua/reliquum, AO Adjective remaining, left over
rogo, rogas, rogare A, rogavi, rogatum Verb ask, request, beg
sine Preposition without
statim Adverb at once, immediately, Immediately
unus/una/unum, AO Adjective one, single, alone
vendo, vendis, vendere C, vendidi, venditum Verb sell
vinco, vincis, vincere C, vici, victum Verb win, conquer, defeat
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