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Vocable Translation
altrix, altricis [f.] C Noun nourisher, sustainer, wet nurse, nurse, foster mo…
arvum, arvi [n.] O Noun arable land/field, soil, region, country, dry lan…
autopyrus, autopyri [m.] O Noun coarse bread made of unbolted/unsifted wheaten me…
cedrium, cedrii [n.] O Noun oil/wood-tar/pitch/resin obtained from cedar tree…
cnatus, cnati [m.] O Noun son, child, children (pl.)
collactanea, collactaneae [f.] A Noun foster-sister, one nourished at same breast
collactaneus, collactanei [m.] O Noun foster-brother, one nourished at same breast
haustus, haustus [m.] U Noun drink, draught, drawing (of water)
sator, satoris [m.] C Noun (1.) sower, planter (2.) begetter, father (3.) fo…
tempestas, tempestatis [f.] C Noun (1.) period of time, season (2.) weather, storm
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