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Vocable Translation
accedo, accedis, accedere C, accessi, accessum Verb come, approach, approach to, go against, get in, …
accipio, accipis, accipere M, accepi, acceptum Verb accept, take, receive
adae Pronoun Adams
adolescens, adolescentis M Adjective young, youthful, "minor" (in reference to the you…
civitas, civitatis [f.] C Noun state, citizenship
discipulus, discipuli [m.] O Noun student, pupil
fleo, fles, flere E, flevi, fletum Verb weep, cry
idem, eadem, idem Demonstrative Pronoun (1.) equal to, the same, similar to (2.) the same…
incipio, incipis, incipere M, coepi, coeptum Verb start
mater, matris [f.] M Noun mother, foster mother, lady, matron, origin, sour…
misericordia, misericordiae [f.] A Noun compassion, pity, sympathy
mortuus/mortua/mortuum, AO Adjective dead
occido, occidis, occidere C, occidi, occisum Verb kill, murder, slaughter, slay, cut/knock down, we…
oculus, oculi [m.] O Noun eye
porta, portae [f.] A Noun door, portal
porto, portas, portare A, portavi, portatum Verb Carry, bring
posco, poscis, poscere C, poposci, - Verb ask, demand
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
surgo, surgis, surgere C, surrexi, surrectum Verb get up, arise
tango, tangis, tangere C, tetigi, tactum Verb touch, strike, border on, influence, mention
timor, timoris [m.] C Noun anxiety, fear
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