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Vocable Translation
capio, capis, capere M, cepi, captum Verb catch
concordia, concordiae [f.] A Noun concurrence, mutual agreement, harmony, peace, ra…
erro, erras, errare A, erravi, erratum Verb wander, err, go astray, be mistaken
fabula, fabulae [f.] A Noun story, tale, play, Story
facio, facis, facere M, feci, factum Verb do, make, handle
fama, famae [f.] A Noun rumor, report, fame, reputation
forma, formae [f.] A Noun form, shape, beauty
gloria, gloriae [f.] A Noun glory, fame, honor
habeo, habes, habere E, habui, habitum Verb have, hold, possess, consider, think
iaceo, iaces, iacere E, iacui, iactum Verb lie, lie prostrate, lie dead
infantia, infantiae [f.] A Noun infancy, inability to speak
insula, insulae [f.] A Noun island
littera, litterae [f.] A Noun a letter of the alphabet, (plural) a letter, lite…
litterae, litterarum [f.] A (Pl.) Noun science, letter (correspondence)
nauta, nautae [m.] A Noun sailor
nunc Adverb now, at present
poeta, poetae [m.] A Noun poet
sapientia, sapientiae [f.] A Noun wisdom
scientia, scientiae [f.] A Noun knowledge
scio, scis, scire I, scivi, scitum Verb know
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