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Vocable Translation
amitto, amittis, amittere C, amisi, amissum Verb lose, let go
ara, arae [f.] A Noun altar
argentum, argenti [n.] O Noun silver, money, cash, silver-plate, [argentum vivu…
armo, armas, armare A, armavi, armatum Verb equip, fit with armor, arm, strengthen, rouse, st…
audax, audacis M Adjective bold, daring, courageous, reckless, rash, audacio…
aurum, auri [n.] O Noun gold
cibus, cibi [m.] O Noun Food, Ration
concilium, concilii [n.] O Noun assembly, gathering, convention
corpus, corporis [n.] C Noun body, corpus
corrumpo, corrumpis, corrumpere C, corrupi, corruptum Verb spoil, rot, taint, contaminate, damage, ruin, und…
dedo, dedis, dedere C, dedidi, deditum Verb give up/in, surrender, abandon/consign/devote (to…
dens, dentis [m.] M Noun tooth, tusk, ivory, tooth-like thing, spike
dux, ducis [m.] C Noun leader, guide, commander, general
exsilium, exsilii [n.] O Noun exile, banishment
humanus/humana/humanum, AO Adjective human
idem, eadem, idem Demonstrative Pronoun (1.) equal to, the same, similar to (2.) the same…
iudex, iudicis [m.] C Noun judge, juror
magistratus, magistratus [m.] U Noun magistrate, office
manus, manus [f.] U Noun hand, band (of men)
numquam Adverb never
obsido, obsidis, obsidere C, obsedi, obsessum Verb blockade, besiege, invest, beset, take possession…
os, oris [n.] C Noun mouth, face
pedes, peditis [m.] C Noun foot soldier, infantryman, pedestrian, who goes o…
pes, pedis [m.] C Noun foot
plebs, plebis [f.] C Noun (lower) people, folk
pons, ponae [f.] A Noun rider, knight, cavalryman
potens, potentis M Adjective powerful, strong, capable, mighty
pretium, pretii [n.] O Noun price, value, wage, salary
senatus, senatus [m.] U Noun senate
socius, socii [m.] O Noun companion, ally
sto, stas, stare A, steti, statum Verb stand, stand still, stand firm, remain, rest
superbus/superba/superbum, AO Adjective arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud
telum, teli [n.] O Noun (1.) (projectile) weapon (2.) Dart
totus/tota/totum, AO Adjective whole, entire
tribunus, tribuni [m.] O Noun tribune, [~ plebis => tribune of the people, ~ ml…
tristis/triste, tristis M Adjective sad, sorrowful, joyless, grim, severe
tum Adverb then, at that time
venter, ventris [m.] M Noun stomach, womb, belly
vestigium, vestigii [n.] O Noun step, track, trace, footstep
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