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Vocable Translation
acerbus/acerba/acerbum, AO Adjective harsh, bitter, grievous
adulescens, adulescentis M Adjective young, youthful, "minor" (in reference to the you…
aestimo, aestimas, aestimare A, aestimavi, aestimatum Verb value, assess, estimate, reckon, consider, judge …
aures praebere Other still in translation
cognosco, cognoscis, cognoscere C, cognovi, cognitum Verb become acquainted with, learn, recognize, (in per…
corrumpo, corrumpis, corrumpere C, corrupi, corruptum Verb spoil, rot, taint, contaminate, damage, ruin, und…
damno, damnas, damnare A, damnavi, damnatum Verb pass, pronounce judgment, find guilty, deliver, c…
disciplina, disciplinae [f.] A Noun teaching, instruction, education, training, disci…
doceo, doces, docere E, docui, doctum Verb teach
exerceo, exerces, exercere E, exercui, exercitum Verb train, discipline, drill
exstinguo, exstinguis, exstinguere C, exstinxi, exstinctum Verb put out, extinguish, quench, kill, destroy
funus, funeris [n.] C Noun burial, funeral, funeral rites, ruin, corpse, dea…
Graecus/Graeca/Graecum, AO Adjective greek, Greek
incipio, incipis, incipere M, coepi, coeptum Verb start
inopia, inopiae [f.] A Noun lack, need, poverty, destitution, dearth, want, s…
interest Other important, interesting, differ, is between
magni aestimare Phrase still in translation
male Adverb bad, badly
modus, modi [m.] O Noun (1.) measure, bound, limit (2.) manner, method, m…
muto, mutas, mutare A, mutavi, mutatum Verb (1.) change, alter (2.) exchange
necessarius/necessaria/necessarium, AO Adjective necessary, needed, essential, indispensable, vita…
pars, partis [f.] I Noun part
pello, pellis, pellere C, pepuli, pulsum Verb to chase away, to expel, slap, thrust, bump, beat…
philosophia, philosophiae [f.] A Noun philosophy
reprehendo, reprehendis, reprehendere C, reprehendi, reprehensum Verb hold back, seize, catch, blame
resisto, resistis, resistere C, restiti, - Verb pause, continue, resist, oppose, reply, withstand…
tollo, tollis, tollere C, sustuli, sublatum Verb raise, lift up, take away, remove, destroy
vindicare in Other still in translation
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