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Vocable Translation
ago, agis, agere C, egi, actum Verb (1.) drive, urge, conduct, act (2.) spend (time w…
amica, amicae [f.] A Noun friend (f.)
amicus, amici [m.] O Noun friend (m.)
basilica, basilicae [f.] A Noun church
cur Adverb why?, why, wherefore, for what reason/purpose?, o…
ego, tu, - Personal Pronoun I, you, he/she/it (personal pronoun)
eius modi/eiusmodi Phrase still in translation
erro, erras, errare A, erravi, erratum Verb wander, err, go astray, be mistaken
fortasse Adverb perhaps, possibly, it may be, Perhaps
forum, fori [n.] O Noun marketplace, public square, forum
intellego, intellegis, intellegere C, intellexi, intellectum Verb understand, realize, understand
iustitia, iustitiae [f.] A Noun justice, equity
ludo, ludis, ludere C, lusi, lusum Verb trick, play
mos, moris [m.] C Noun habit, custom, manner, (plural) habits, character
neque Conjunction and not, nor, not, neither
nondum Adverb not yet, Not yet
nonne Other (1.) surely (2.) no?, not?, not? (interog, expect…
num Particle what? (in direct questions), if, whether, now, su…
orator, oratoris [m.] C Noun orator, speaker
pecunia, pecuniae [f.] A Noun money
quid Pronoun (1.) what (2.) What(?)
quo Adverb to where, whither
sedeo, sedes, sedere E, sedi, sessum Verb sit
sine Preposition without
studeo, studes, studere E, studui, - Verb direct one's zeal, be eager for, study
supero, superas, superare A, superavi, superatum Verb beat, defeat, exceed, overcome, conquer, surpass
ubi Pronoun (1.) where?, where, in what place, (time) when, w…
unus/una/unum, AO Adjective one, single, alone
ut Conjunction (1.) as, like, how (2.) that, so that (3.) that (…
vado, vadis, vadere C, vasi, - Verb go, advance, rush, hurry, walk
video, vides, videre E, vidi, visum Verb (1.) see (2.) Seem
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