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Vocable Translation
afficio, afficis, afficere M, affeci, affectum Verb manage, influence, make, punish
aliter Adverb otherwise, differently, in any other way [aliter …
apud Preposition at, with, among, at the house of, in the presence…
ardeo, ardes, ardere E, arsi, - Verb burn
Castra, Castrae [f.] A Noun camp, base, castle
cognosco, cognoscis, cognoscere C, cognovi, cognitum Verb become acquainted with, learn, recognize, (in per…
duco, ducis, ducere C, duxi, ductum Verb lead, guide, develop, prolong
expleo, exples, explere E, explevi, expletum Verb fill, fill up, complete
Facinus, Facinoris [n.] C Noun malpractice, crime
fallo, fallis, fallere C, fefelli, falsum Verb deceive, slip by, disappoint, be mistaken, beguil…
flumen, fluminis [n.] C Noun river, stream, current, tide, flood, onrush, runn…
foedus, foederis [n.] C Noun treaty, league, formal agreement (between states)…
honor, honoris [m.] C Noun honor, respect
iactare Other still in translation
interea Adverb meanwhile, in between
ira, irae [f.] A Noun anger, wrath, rage
laudo, laudas, laudare A, laudavi, laudatum Verb praise, commend
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
maneo, manes, manere E, mansi, mansurum Verb stay, remain, waiting for (tr)
mitto, mittis, mittere C, misi, missum Verb send
muto, mutas, mutare A, mutavi, mutatum Verb (1.) change, alter (2.) exchange
neque Conjunction and not, nor, not, neither
nonulli Numeral some, a few
nuntius, nuntii [m.] M Noun envoy, messenger, message
obses, obsidis [m.] C Noun hostage, pledge, security
pono, ponis, ponere C, posui, positum Verb (1.) put, place, set, station, set aside (2.) put…
qui, quae, quod Relative Pronoun who, which, whom, that
recipio, recipis, recipere M, recepi, receptum Verb take back, recover/regain, admit, receive, keep b…
reddo, reddis, reddere C, reddidi, redditum Verb return, restore, deliver, hand over, pay back, re…
redio, redis, redire I, redivi, reditum Verb go back, come back, return
remitto, remittis, remittere C, remisi, remissum Verb send back, remit, throw back, relax, diminish
repeto, repetis, repetere C, repetivi, repetitum Verb return to, get back, demand back/again, repeat, r…
rumpo, rumpis, rumpere C, rupi, ruptum Verb break, destroy
telum, teli [n.] O Noun (1.) (projectile) weapon, spear (2.) Dart
timeo, times, timere E, timui, - Verb be scared of, fear, dread, be afraid (ne + SUB = …
virtus, virtutis [f.] C Noun bravery, fortitude, virtue
voco, vocas, vocare A, vocavi, vocatum Verb (1.) shout, call (2.) summon (3.) name
vulnus, vulneris [n.] C Noun wound
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