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Vocable Translation
accipio, accipis, accipere M, accepi, acceptum Verb accept, take, receive
aspicio, aspicis, aspicere M, aspexi, aspectum Verb look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard, fa…
bibo, bibis, bibere C, bibi, - Verb drink
capio, capis, capere M, cepi, captum Verb catch
colloco, collocas, collocare A, collocavi, collocatum Verb place/put/set in order/proper position, arrange, …
conspicio, conspicis, conspicere M, conspexi, conspectum Verb spot, see
cupio, cupis, cupere M, cupivi, cupitum Verb desire, wish, long for
decem Numeral ten
dubito, dubitas, dubitare A, dubitavi, dubitatum Verb hesitate, procrastinate, doubt
incipio, incipis, incipere M, coepi, coeptum Verb start
juxta Adverb nearly, near, close to, near by, hard by, by the …
leo, leonis [m.] C Noun (1.) lion (2.) Leo (name of several Popes), pries…
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
mensis, mensis [m.] M Noun month
mus, muris [f.] C Noun mouse, rat
parens, parentis [m.] M Noun parent
posco, poscis, poscere C, poposci, - Verb ask, demand
possum, potes, posse IR, potui, - Verb be able, can
priusquam Conjunction (1.) before, until, sooner than (2.) (3.)
quattuor Numeral (1.) four (2.) four (3.) four
quinque Numeral five
testis, testis [m.] M Noun testicle (usu. pl.), witness
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