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Vocable Translation
attonitus/attonita/attonitum, AO Adjective astonished, fascinated, lightning/thunder-struck,…
crudelis/crudele, crudelis M Adjective cruel, hardhearted, unmerciful, severe, bloodthir…
divinus/divina/divinum, AO Adjective divine
invius/invia/invium, AO Adjective impassable, inaccessible
mortalis/mortale, mortalis M Adjective mortal
navalis/navale, navalis M Adjective naval, of ships
patiens, patientis M Adjective patient/long-suffering, tolerant/easy-going, subm…
pavidus/pavida/pavidum, AO Adjective fearful, terrified, panicstruck
praeceps, praecipitis M Adjective head first, headlong, steep, precipitous
saevus/saeva/saevum, AO Adjective savage, fierce, ferocious, violent, wild, raging,…
tantus/tanta/tantum, AO Adjective so large, so great, of such a size
urbanus/urbana/urbanum, AO Adjective of the city, urban, urbane, elegant
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