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Vocable Translation
audacter Adverb boldly, courageously, recklessly
certus/certa/certum, AO Adjective definite, sure, certain, reliable
clam Adverb (1.) secretly, in secret, unknown to, privately, …
continuo Adverb immediately, forthwith, at once, without delay/in…
cras Adverb tomorrow, after today, on the morrow, hereafter, …
falso Adverb falsely, deceptively, spuriously
fortiter Adverb strong, brave, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, …
heri Adverb yesterday
hinc Adverb (1.) from here, from this source/cause, hence, he…
hodie Adverb today, now, at the present, nowadays
illinc Adverb there, in that place, on that side, from there
interim Adverb meanwhile, in the meantime, at the same time, how…
merito Adverb deservedly, rightly
neglegenter Adverb heedless, neglectful, careless, unconcerned, indi…
primo Adverb at first, in the first place, at the beginning
raro Adverb seldom, rare
serus/sera/serum, AO Adjective late, too late, slow, tardy, after the expected/p…
statim Adverb at once, immediately, Immediately
subito Adverb suddenly, unexpectedly, at once, at short notice,…
sīc Phrase thus
undique Adverb from every side, direction, place, part, source, …
valde Adverb (1.) very, much/many, Very (2.) strongly
vix Adverb hardly, barely, only with difficulty, just now
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