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Vocable Translation
aut … aut Phrase either ... or, or ... or
cella, cellae [f.] A Noun storeroom, (wine) cellar, larder, temple chamber,…
contra Adverb (1.) against, facing, face-to-face, in the eyes, …
cultus, cultus [m.] U Noun worship, adoration
durus/dura/durum, AO Adjective hard, harsh, rough, stern, unfeeling, hardy, diff…
exitus, exitus [m.] U Noun exit, death
futurus/futura/futurum, AO Adjective about to be, future
haud Adverb not, not at all, by no means, not (as a particle)…
incolumis/incolume, incolumis M Adjective unharmed, uninjured, alive, safe, unimpaired
memoro, memoras, memorare A, memoravi, memoratum Verb remember, be mindful of (w/GEN/ACC), mention/reco…
multo Adverb much, by much, a great deal, very, most, by far, …
nec Conjunction (1.) and not, nor, not, neither, not even (2.) (…
nec … nec Phrase neither... nor...
obicio, obicis, obicere M, objeci, objectum Verb Expose (to danger), throw before/to, cast, object…
posterus/postera/posterum, AO Adjective following
projectus/projecta/projectum, AO Adjective jutting out, projecting, precipitate, abject, gro…
pugna, pugnae [f.] A Noun battle, fight
requiro, requiris, requirere C, requisivi, requisitum Verb seek, ask for, miss, need, require
secundus/secunda/secundum, AO Adjective second, favorable
spero, speras, sperare A, speravi, speratum Verb hope for, hope, to hope, to expect, to hope, to e…
supra Adverb on top, more, above, before, formerly
turris, turris [f.] I Noun tower, high building, palace, citadel, dove tower…
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