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Vocable Translation
-ne … an Phrase still in translation
aetas, aetatis [f.] C Noun (1.) period, time of life, age, season (2.) perio…
apertus/aperta/apertum, AO Adjective open, public, free, uncovered, exposed, opened, f…
ars, artis [f.] M Noun art, skill
beneficium, beneficii [n.] O Noun boon, benefit
flumen, fluminis [n.] C Noun river, stream, current, tide, flood, onrush, runn…
fructus, fructus [m.] U Noun fruit, profit, benefit, enjoyment
frumentum, frumenti [n.] O Noun grain, pl. crops
gero, geris, gerere C, gessi, gestum Verb carry, carry on, manage, conduct, accomplish, per…
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
igitur Adverb therefore (postpositive), so/then, consequently, …
impetus, impetus [m.] U Noun attack, assault, charge, attempt, impetus, vigor,…
laetitia, laetitiae [f.] A Noun joy/happiness, source of joy/delight, fertility, …
orbis, orbis [m.] M Noun circle, region/territory, defines circular objects
perficio, perficis, perficere M, perfeci, perfectum Verb complete, finish, execute, bring about, accomplis…
provideo, provides, providere E, providi, provisum Verb foresee, provide for, make provision, with DAT
quantus/quanta/quantum, AO Adjective how large, how great, how much
res gestae Phrase things done, accomplishments, history
res publica Phrase Pertaining to the state or public
species, speciei [f.] E Noun sight, appearance, show, splendor, beauty, kind, …
testa, testae [f.] A Noun object made from burnt clay, earthenware jar, fra…
utrum … an Phrase whether ... or
villa, villae [f.] A Noun house, mansion
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