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Vocable Translation
accendo, accendis, accendere C, accendi, accensum Verb kindle, set on fire, light, illuminate, inflame, …
accipio, accipis, accipere M, accepi, acceptum Verb accept, take, receive
Ad huc Adverb here, to this place, to this point
ager, agri [m.] O Noun field, ground, farm, land, estate, park, territor…
arbor, arboris [f.] C Noun tree
ardeo, ardes, ardere E, arsi, - Verb burn
auris, auris [f.] M Noun ear, hearing, a discriminating sense of hearing, …
demum Adverb finally, at last, at length, in the end, eventual…
dolor, doloris [m.] C Noun pain, grief
hinc Adverb (1.) from here, from this source/cause, hence, he…
inter (+ acc.) Preposition between, among, amid
iuvenis, iuvenis [m.] M Noun young man, juvenile
magus, magi [m.] O Noun wise/learned man, magician (Persian), astrologer
membrum, membri [n.] O Noun member, limb, organ, (esp.) male genital member, …
natura, naturae [f.] A Noun nature
nihil Pronoun nothing
nīl Pronoun (primarily poetic) nothing
occurro, occurris, occurrere C, occucurri, occursum Verb run to meet, oppose, resist, come to mind, occur …
projectus/projecta/projectum, AO Adjective jutting out, projecting, precipitate, abject, gro…
recipio, recipis, recipere M, recepi, receptum Verb take back, recover/regain, admit, receive, keep b…
repello, repellis, repellere C, reppuli, repulsum Verb drive, push, thrust back/away, repel, rebuff, spu…
repeto, repetis, repetere C, repetivi, repetitum Verb return to, get back, demand back/again, repeat, r…
rursus Adverb turned back, backward, on the contrary/other hand…
se recipere Phrase withdraw, retire, retreat, give up
silva, silvae [f.] A Noun forest
solvo, solvis, solvere C, solvi, solutum Verb to loosen, unbind, unfasten, unfetter, untie, rel…
vestigium, vestigii [n.] O Noun step, track, trace, footstep
veto, vetas, vetare A, vetui, vetitum Verb forbid, prohibit, vote against, prevent, oppose, …
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