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Vocable Translation
aurum, auri [n.] O Noun gold
conicio, conicis, conicere M, conieci, coniectum Verb throw, put/pile together, conclude, infer, guess,…
contentus/contenta/contentum, AO Adjective content, satisfied (w/ABL), content with, pleased…
corpus, corporis [n.] C Noun body, corpus
cum Conjunction with, when, at the time/on each occasion/in the s…
cursus, cursus [m.] U Noun running, race, course
dum Conjunction (1.) during, as long as, until, while (2.) while,…
ego, tu, - Personal Pronoun I, you, he/she/it (personal pronoun)
etsi Conjunction even, though, although
Gallia, Galliae [f.] A Noun Gaul
Gallus/Galla/Gallum, AO Adjective Gallic, of Gaul/the Gauls, class of gladiator w/G…
imperium, imperii [n.] O Noun empire, authority, order, command
ingens, ingentis M Adjective not natural, immoderate, huge, vast, enormous, mi…
inimicus/inimica/inimicum, AO Adjective unfriendly, hostile, harmful
monumentum, monumenti [n.] O Noun monument, tomb
navis, navis [f.] M Noun boat, ship
novus/nova/novum, AO Adjective new
perspicio, perspicis, perspicere M, perspexi, perspectum Verb see through, examine, observe
potens, potentis M Adjective powerful, strong, capable, mighty
potentia, potentiae [f.] A Noun force, power, political power
praesto, praestas, praestare A, praestiti, praestitum Verb (1.) excel (2.) exhibit, show, offer, supply, fur…
pristinus/pristina/pristinum, AO Adjective ancient, former, previous
pulcher/pulchra/pulchrum, AO Adjective beautiful, pretty
quamquam Conjunction though, although, yet, nevertheless, also
regnum, regni [n.] O Noun reign, kingdom, dominion, control(?)
tempero, temperas, temperare A, temperavi, temperatum Verb combine, blend, temper, make mild, refrain from, …
valeo, vales, valere E, valui, valiturum Verb (1.) be strong, have power (2.) be well
vehemens, vehementis M Adjective violent, severe, vehement, emphatic, vigorous, li…
verus/vera/verum, AO Adjective true, real, proper
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