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Vocable Translation
accuso, accusas, accusare A, accusavi, accusatum Verb accuse, indict
Africa, Africae [f.] A Noun Africa (North), Libya (Carthagenian), the contine…
appello, appellas, appellare A, appellavi, appellatum Verb call
clarus/clara/clarum, AO Adjective famous, popular, clear, bright, loud
crimen, criminis [n.] C Noun crime
curo, curas, curare A, curavi, curatum Verb care (for sb.)
decerno, decernis, decernere C, decrevi, decretum Verb decide, settle, decree, decide/settle/determine/r…
despero, desperas, desperare A, desperavi, desperatum Verb despair (of), have no/give up hope (of/that), giv…
dimitto, dimittis, dimittere C, dimisi, dimissum Verb forgive, free, left down (in grace), send away, d…
erro, erras, errare A, erravi, erratum Verb wander, err, go astray, be mistaken
exemplum, exempli [n.] O Noun example
falsus/falsa/falsum, AO Adjective wrong, lying, fictitious, spurious, false, deceiv…
familia, familiae [f.] A Noun family
imprimis Adverb in the first place, first, chiefly, especially, a…
neque Conjunction and not, nor, not, neither
nescio, nescis, nescire I, nescivi, nescitum Verb not to know, be ignorant
Poenus, Poeni [m.] O Noun Carthaginian, Phoenician
projectus/projecta/projectum, AO Adjective jutting out, projecting, precipitate, abject, gro…
qui, quae, quod Relative Pronoun who, which, whom, that
quia Conjunction (1.) because, that (2.) because (3.) because (4.)…
remaneo, remanes, remanere E, remansi, remansum Verb remain, stay behind, abide, continue
solus/sola/solum, AO Adjective alone, only, the only
studeo, studes, studere E, studui, - Verb direct one's zeal, be eager for, study
subicio, subicis, subicere M, subjeci, subjectum Verb throw under, place under, make subject, expose
supero, superas, superare A, superavi, superatum Verb beat, defeat, exceed, overcome, conquer, surpass
vester/vestra/vestrum, AO Adjective your (pl.), of/belonging to/associated with you
virtus, virtutis [f.] C Noun bravery, fortitude, virtue
Vita Aucturis, Aucturisae [f.] A Noun life
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