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Vocable Translation
ago, agis, agere C, egi, actum Verb (1.) drive, urge, conduct, act (2.) spend (time w…
agmen, agminis [n.] C Noun stream, herd, flock, troop, crowd, marching army,…
ara, arae [f.] A Noun altar
audio, audis, audire I, audivi, auditum Verb hear, listen to, to Hear, to Listen, hear, listen…
dea, deae [f.] A Noun god (f.), saint (f.), goddess
domus, domus [f.] U Noun house, home (NB 3 special uses and endings: domi …
duco, ducis, ducere C, duxi, ductum Verb lead, guide, develop, prolong
gaudium, gaudii [n.] O Noun happiness, joy, joy, gladness, delight, joy, glad…
gens, gentis [f.] M Noun folk, nation, people, tribe, clan, Gentiles
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
Iuno, Iunonis [f.] C Noun Juno, Hera (god of marriage)
Iuppiter, Iovis [m.] C Noun jupiter
libertus, liberti [m.] O Noun freedman, ex-slave
mons, montis [m.] M Noun mountain
negotium, negotii [n.] O Noun work, pain, trouble, annoyance, distress, busines…
oro, oras, orare A, oravi, oratum Verb pray, beg
parens, parentis [m.] M Noun parent
patronus, patroni [m.] O Noun patron, advocate, defender, protector
pax, pacis [f.] C Noun peace
pervenio, pervenis, pervenire I, perveni, perventum Verb come
propinquus/propinqua/propinquum, AO Adjective near, neighboring
salus, salutis [f.] C Noun salutation, greeting, safety, salvation, health
soror, sororis [f.] C Noun sister, nun
venio, venis, venire I, veni, ventum Verb come
via, viae [f.] A Noun street, road, path, way
vox, vocis [f.] C Noun voice, voice, sound, word, cry
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