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Vocable Translation
ad Preposition (1.) to, toward, near, at, in, by, about (with nu…
aedificium, aedificii [n.] O Noun building, house
amica, amicae [f.] A Noun friend (f.)
ante Preposition (1.) before, in front of (2.) before, previously,…
apud Preposition at, with, among, at the house of, in the presence…
autem Conjunction (1.) however (2.) but (put after), however (3.) h…
basilica, basilicae [f.] A Noun church
bestia, bestiae [f.] A Noun beast, animal, creature, wild beast/animal, beast…
clamor, clamoris [m.] C Noun shout, outcry/protest, loud shouting (approval/jo…
contendo, contendis, contendere C, contendtendi, contendtentum Verb strive, struggle, contend, hasten
cur Adverb why?, why, wherefore, for what reason/purpose?, o…
delector, delectaris, delectari A, delectatus sum (Dep.) Verb delight, please, amuse, fascinate, charm, lure, e…
iam Adverb already, (by) now, (by) then, presently
in+Abl. Preposition in, on
intro, intras, intrare A, intravi, intratum Verb enter, go, enter, go
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
itaque Conjunction (1.) because of, therefore, and so, accordingly, …
mercator, mercatoris [m.] C Noun trader, merchant
mulier, mulieris [f.] C Noun woman
non Adverb (1.) not (2.) no, not (3.) no, not (4.) not (5.) …
non iam Phrase no more, not any longer
per Preposition through, by, along
Petio, Petis, Petire I, Petivi, Petitum Verb go, attack, ask for
quid Pronoun (1.) what (2.) What(?)
quis, quid Pronoun who, what
relinquo, relinquis, relinquere C, reliqui, relictum Verb leave behind, leave, abandon, desert
specto, spectas, spectare A, spectavi, spectatum Verb watch, look
statim Adverb at once, immediately, Immediately
taberna, tabernae [f.] A Noun tavern, inn, wood hut/cottage, shed/hovel, stall/…
templum, templi [n.] O Noun temple
tollo, tollis, tollere C, sustuli, sublatum Verb raise, lift up, take away, remove, destroy
vendo, vendis, vendere C, vendidi, venditum Verb sell
video, vides, videre E, vidi, visum Verb (1.) see (2.) Seem
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