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Vocable Translation
accedo, accedis, accedere C, accessi, accessum Verb come, approach, approach to, go against, get in, …
amicus, amici [m.] O Noun friend (m.)
circus, circi [m.] O Noun race course, circus in Rome, celebration of games…
curro, curris, currere C, cucurri, cursum Verb run, rush, move quickly
do, das, dare A, dedi, datum Verb give, offer, grant
denique Adverb finally, in the end, and then, at worst, in short…
diu Adverb long (time), for a long time
ecce Interjection behold!, see!, look!, there!, here! [ecce eum => …
equus, equi [m.] O Noun horse
sum, es, esse IR, fui, - Verb be, exist
etiam Conjunction also, too, even, still, again, moreover, as well …
exspecto, exspectas, exspectare A, exspectavi, exspectatum Verb expect
fracta Adverb now, at the moment
hodie Adverb today, now, at the present, nowadays
ludus, ludi [m.] O Noun game, school, sport, pastime, diversion
pateo, pates, patere E, patui, - Verb be open, lie open, be accessible, be evident
populus, populi [m.] O Noun population, people, nation, State, public/populac…
porta, portae [f.] A Noun door, portal
praemium, praemii [n.] O Noun reward, prize
sed Conjunction but
surgo, surgis, surgere C, surrexi, surrectum Verb get up, arise
sīgnum, sīgnī [n.] O Noun (1.) sign (2.) standard
taceo, taces, tacere E, tacui, tacitum Verb be silent, leave unmentioned
tandem Adverb finally, eventually, at last, after all, Finally,…
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
victor, victoris [m.] C Noun winner, victor, conquer
voco, vocas, vocare A, vocavi, vocatum Verb (1.) shout, call (2.) summon (3.) name
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