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Vocable Translation
alter/altera/alterum, AO Adjective the other one, (the) alternative, the other
appeto, appetis, appetere C, appetivi, appetitum Verb seek/grasp after, desire, assail, strive eagerly/…
avaritia, avaritiae [f.] A Noun greed, avarice, rapacity, miserliness, stinginess…
canis, canis [m.] M Noun dog
circumsto, circumstas, circumstare A, circumsteti, circumstatum Verb stand/gather/crowd around, surround, beset, be on…
colloco, collocas, collocare A, collocavi, collocatum Verb place/put/set in order/proper position, arrange, …
delibero, deliberas, deliberare A, deliberavi, deliberatum Verb weigh/consider/deliberate/consult (oracle), ponde…
divitia, divitiae [f.] A Noun riches (pl.), wealth
edo, edis / es, edere C, edi, essum Verb eat/consume/devour, eat away (fire/water/disease)…
fama, famae [f.] A Noun (1.) rumor, report (2.) fame, reputation
iactare Other still in translation
irascor, irasceris, irasci C, iratus sum (Dep.) Verb get/be/become angry, fly into a rage, be angry at…
iratus/irata/iratum, AO Adjective furious, angry, mad
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
lacus, lacus [m.] U Noun basin/tank/tub, lake/pond, reservoir/cistern/basi…
malus/mala/malum, AO Adjective bad
medius/media/medium, AO Adjective middle
poculum, poculi [n.] O Noun cup, bowl, drinking vessel, drink/draught, social…
prehendo, prehendis, prehendere C, prehendi, prehensum Verb catch, capture, take hold of/possession of/in han…
prodo, prodis, prodere C, prodidi, proditum Verb project, thrust forward, bring forth, produce, gi…
quanto … tanto Phrase still in translation
simplicitas, simplicitatis [f.] C Noun simplicity, candor
vas, vadis [m.] C Noun one who guarantees court appearance of defendant,…
violo, violas, violare A, violavi, violatum Verb violate, dishonor, outrage
vultus, vultus [m.] U Noun countenance, face, expression, Expression
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