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Vocable Translation
comprehendo, comprehendis, comprehendere C, comprehendi, comprehensum Verb catch/seize/grasp firmly, arrest, take hold/root/…
cupiditas, cupiditatis [f.] C Noun desire, longing, passion, cupidity, avarice
cupidus/cupida/cupidum, AO Adjective greedy (for)
ergo Adverb Daher, folglich
error, erroris [m.] C Noun wandering, error, winding, maze, uncertainty, dec…
indignus/indigna/indignum, AO Adjective unworthy, undeserving, undeserved, unbecoming, sh…
interim Adverb meanwhile, in the meantime, at the same time, how…
libellus, libelli [m.] O Noun little book
minime Adverb (1.) by no means, anything but, not at all (2.) l…
mora, morae [f.] A Noun delay
opus, operis [n.] C Noun work, achievement, oeuvre
paratus/parata/paratum, AO Adjective prepared, ready, equipped, provided
praecipio, praecipis, praecipere M, praecepi, praeceptum Verb take or receive in advance, anticipate, warn, ord…
quamobrem Conjunction why, for what reason, on what account, on account…
quicumque/quaecumque/quodcumque Pronoun whoever, whatever
recito, recitas, recitare A, recitavi, recitatum Verb read (aloud), present
sensus, sensus [m.] U Noun feeling, sense
studium, studii [n.] O Noun zeal, enthusiasm, excitement, study
tam … quam Phrase still in translation
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
ver, veris [n.] C Noun spring, spring-time of life, youth, [ver sacrum =…
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