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Vocable Translation
adduco, adducis, adducere C, adduxi, adductum Verb lead, prompt, induce
adhuc Adverb yet, so far, still, thus far, till now, to this p…
amicitia, amicitiae [f.] A Noun friendship
auctoritas, auctoritatis [f.] C Noun authority
Castra, Castrae [f.] A Noun camp, base, castle
centum Numeral 100, hundred, one hundred, C (roman numerals)
conscribo, conscribis, conscribere C, conscripsi, conscriptum Verb enroll/enlist/raise (army), write on/down, commit…
cum Conjunction with, when, at the time/on each occasion/in the s…
demonstro, demonstras, demonstrare A, demonstravi, demonstratum Verb point out, show, demonstrate
efficio, efficis, efficere M, effeci, effectum Verb bring about, effect, execute, cause, accomplish, …
facilis/facile, facilis M Adjective easy, agreeable
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
licentia, licentiae [f.] A Noun freedom, liberty, license, disorderliness, outspo…
Londinium, Londinii [n.] O Noun London
ne Conjunction not, [ne....quidem => not even], truly, indeed, v…
obses, obsidis [m.] C Noun hostage, pledge, security
posco, poscis, poscere C, poposci, - Verb ask, demand
princeps, principis [m.] C Noun the first, emperor, chief, chieftain
revoco, revocas, revocare A, revocavi, revocatum Verb call back, recall, revive, regain
ut Conjunction (1.) as, like, how (2.) that, so that (3.) that (…
vicus, vici [m.] O Noun village, hamlet, street, row of houses
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