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Vocable Translation
aditus, aditus [m.] U Noun approach, access, attack, entrance, chance, oppor…
armatus/armata/armatum, AO Adjective armed, equipped, defensively armed, armor clad, f…
audeo, audes, audere E, ausi, ausum Verb dare, risk
caveo, caves, cavere E, cavi, cautum Verb beware, avoid, take precautions/defensive action,…
colligo, colligis, colligere C, collegi, collectum Verb collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep togethe…
constituo, constituis, constituere C, constitui, constitutum Verb decide, establish, settle, resolve, I place, put,…
custos, custodis [m.] C Noun guard, guardian, watchman, keeper
Difficilis/Difficilr, Difficilis M Adjective hard, difficult, troublesome
exercitus, exercitus [m.] U Noun army
Facinus, Facinoris [n.] C Noun malpractice, crime
flagitium, flagitii [n.] O Noun shame, disgrace, scandal, shameful act, outrage, …
honestus/honesta/honestum, AO Adjective distinguished, reputable, respected, honorable, u…
impetro, impetras, impetrare A, impetravi, impetratum Verb obtain, procure (by asking/request/entreaty), suc…
invitus/invita/invitum, AO Adjective reluctant, unwilling, against one's will
lex, legis [f.] C Noun (1.) law, rule (2.) law, statute, motion, bill, p…
mens, mentis [f.] M Noun mind, spirit, intention, purpose, attitude
obsecro, obsecras, obsecrare A, obsecravi, obsecratum Verb entreat, beseech, implore, pray, [fidem ~ => beg …
obtineseo, obtineses, obtinesere E, obtinesi, obtinnum Verb hold, obtain
occido, occidis, occidere C, occidi, occisum Verb kill, murder, slaughter, slay, cut/knock down, we…
projectus/projecta/projectum, AO Adjective jutting out, projecting, precipitate, abject, gro…
una Adverb together, together with, at the same time, along …
venia, veniae [f.] A Noun favor, kindness, pardon, permission, indulgence
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