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Vocable Translation
accendo, accendis, accendere C, accendi, accensum Verb kindle, set on fire, light, illuminate, inflame, …
ager, agri [m.] O Noun field, ground, farm, land, estate, park, territor…
amor, amoris [m.] C Noun Love, Amor (God of Love), love, amorous, enamored…
arbor, arboris [f.] C Noun tree
ardeo, ardes, ardere E, arsi, - Verb burn
auris, auris [f.] M Noun ear, hearing, a discriminating sense of hearing, …
demum Adverb finally, at last, at length, in the end, eventual…
dolor, doloris [m.] C Noun pain, grief
inter (+ acc.) Preposition between, among, amid
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
iuvenis, iuvenis [m.] M Noun young man, juvenile
magis Adverb to greater extent, more nearly, rather, instead, …
membrum, membri [n.] O Noun member, limb, organ, (esp.) male genital member, …
natura, naturae [f.] A Noun nature
nihil Pronoun nothing
nīl Pronoun (primarily poetic) nothing
occurro, occurris, occurrere C, occucurri, occursum Verb run to meet, oppose, resist, come to mind, occur …
recipio, recipis, recipere M, recepi, receptum Verb take back, recover/regain, admit, receive, keep b…
repello, repellis, repellere C, reppuli, repulsum Verb drive, push, thrust back/away, repel, rebuff, spu…
repeto, repetis, repetere C, repetivi, repetitum Verb return to, get back, demand back/again, repeat, r…
rursus Adverb turned back, backward, on the contrary/other hand…
solvo, solvis, solvere C, solvi, solutum Verb to loosen, unbind, unfasten, unfetter, untie, rel…
tango, tangis, tangere C, tetigi, tactum Verb touch, strike, border on, influence, mention
vestigium, vestigii [n.] O Noun step, track, trace, footstep
veto, vetas, vetare A, vetui, vetitum Verb forbid, prohibit, vote against, prevent, oppose, …
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