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Vocable Translation
amplus/ampla/amplum, AO Adjective great, large, spacious, wide, ample, distinguishe…
antiquus/antiqua/antiquum, AO Adjective ancient, old-time, antique
commoveo, commoves, commovere E, commovi, commotum Verb (heavily) move, prompt
conduco, conducis, conducere C, conduxi, conductum Verb be of advantage, be profitable, be expedient, be …
contineo, contines, continere E, continui, contentum Verb secure, maintain, sustain, fasten/hold in positio…
et ,ex terra Preposition soon, next (time/position), in/on (+abl.), into/o…
fabula, fabulae [f.] A Noun story, tale, play, Story
ferrum, ferri [n.] O Noun iron, sword
gravis/grave, gravis M Adjective heavy, heavily
ignotus/ignota/ignotum, AO Adjective unknown, strange, unacquainted with, ignorant of
incredibilis/incredibile, incredibilis M Adjective incredible, extraordinary
invenio, invenis, invenire I, inveni, inventum Verb come upon, find, discover, invent, contrive, reac…
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
liber/libera/liberum, AO Adjective free (man), unimpeded, void of, independent, outs…
locus, loci [m.] O Noun place, location
mirus/mira/mirum, AO Adjective wonderful, strange, remarkable, amazing, surprisi…
modus, modi [m.] O Noun (1.) measure, bound, limit (2.) manner, method, m…
monstrum, monstri [n.] O Noun monster, portent, unnatural thing/event regarded …
moveo, moves, movere E, movi, motum Verb move, arouse, affect, set in motion, stir up
nocturnus/nocturna/nocturnum, AO Adjective nocturnal, of night, at night, by night
permoveo, permoves, permovere E, permovi, permotum Verb stir up, move deeply, influence, agitate
perterreo, perterres, perterrere E, perterrui, perterritum Verb frighten greatly, terrify
perturbo, perturbas, perturbare A, perturbavi, perturbatum Verb confuse, throw into confusion, disturb, perturb, …
philosophus, philosophi [m.] O Noun philosopher
procedo, procedis, procedere C, processi, processum Verb proceed, advance, appear
quondam Adverb formerly, once, at one time, some day, hereafter
silentium, silentii [n.] O Noun silence
sino, sinis, sinere C, sivi, situm Verb allow, permit
talis/tale, talis M Adjective such, of such a sort
tempus, temporis [n.] C Noun time, occasion, opportunity, condition, right tim…
tenebra, tenebrae [f.] A Noun darkness (pl.), obscurity, night, dark corner, ig…
valeo, vales, valere E, valui, valiturum Verb (1.) be strong, have power (2.) be well
vinculum, vinculi [n.] O Noun bond, chain, fetter
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