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Vocable Translation
avis, avis [f.] M Noun bird, sign, omen, portent
basilica, basilicae [f.] A Noun church
circus, circi [m.] O Noun race course, circus in Rome, celebration of games…
clamo, clamas, clamare A, clamavi, clamatum Verb shout, call
curia, curiae [f.] A Noun city hall, meeting house, curia/division of Roman…
et Conjunction and, also
forum, fori [n.] O Noun marketplace, public square, forum
gaudeo, gaudes, gaudere E, -, gavisum Verb delight, be glad, rejoice (Semidep.), rejoice, ta…
ibi Preposition (1.) there, in that place, thereupon (2.) there, …
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
N/A Verb still in translation
nam Conjunction namely, because, since, for
propero, properas, properare A, properavi, properatum Verb bolt, rush, hurry
rideo, rides, ridere E, risi, risum Verb laugh
rogo, rogas, rogare A, rogavi, rogatum Verb ask, request, beg
salveo, salves, salvere E, -, - Verb be well/in good health, [salve => hello/hail/gree…
senator, senatoris [m.] C Noun senator
servus, servi [m.] O Noun slave, servant
sto, stas, stare A, steti, statum Verb stand, stand still, stand firm, remain, rest
subitus/subita/subitum, AO Adjective sudden, rash, unexpected
templum, templi [n.] O Noun temple
tum Adverb then, at that time
turba, turbae [f.] A Noun uproar, disturbance, mob, crowd, multitude
ubi Pronoun (1.) where?, where, in what place, (time) when, w…
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