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Vocable Translation
multi/multae/multa, AO Adjective much, many
alius/alia/aliud, AO Adjective someone else, other, another
amicus, amici [m.] O Noun friend (m.)
appropinquo, appropinquas, appropinquare A, appropinquavi, appropinquatum Verb approach, near, converge
aut Conjunction (1.) (2.) or (3.) or, either... or (4.) or, eith…
certus/certa/certum, AO Adjective definite, sure, certain, reliable
consentio, consentis, consentire I, consensi, consensum Verb join/share in sensation/feeling, be in agreement/…
cum … tum Phrase when... then, just as... so too when, not only...…
curro, curris, currere C, cucurri, cursum Verb run, rush, move quickly
cursus, cursus [m.] U Noun running, race, course
doctus/docta/doctum, AO Adjective taught, learned, skilled
ego, tu, - Personal Pronoun I, you, he/she/it (personal pronoun)
en Interjection behold! see! lo! here! hey! look at this!
facio, facis, facere M, feci, factum Verb do, make, handle
fortasse Adverb perhaps, possibly, it may be, Perhaps
frigidus/frigida/frigidum, AO Adjective cold, cool, chilly, frigid, lifeless, indifferent…
horreo, horres, horrere E, horrui, - Verb dread, shrink from, shudder at, stand on end, bri…
hortmagister Verb Hortmagister
humanus/humana/humanum, AO Adjective human
hīc Adverb here
illic Adverb in that place, there, over there
illudo, illudis, illudere C, illusi, illusum Verb mock, ridicule, speak mockingly of, fool, dupe, u…
intellego, intellegis, intellegere C, intellexi, intellectum Verb understand, realize, understand
intro, intras, intrare A, intravi, intratum Verb enter, go, enter, go
liceo, lices, licere E, licui, - Verb fetch (price)
maledico, maledicis, maledicere C, maledixi, maledictum Verb speak ill/evil of, revile, slander, abuse, curse
minime Adverb (1.) by no means, anything but, not at all (2.) l…
mitto, mittis, mittere C, misi, missum Verb send
nato, natas, natare A, natavi, natatum Verb swim, float
ne Conjunction not, [ne....quidem => not even], truly, indeed, v…
nec Conjunction (1.) and not, nor, not, neither, not even (2.) (…
nec … nec Phrase neither... nor...
nonne Other (1.) surely (2.) no?, not?, not? (interog, expect…
num Particle what? (in direct questions), if, whether, now, su…
odium, odii [n.] O Noun hatred
philosophia, philosophiae [f.] A Noun philosophy
placeo, places, placere E, placui, placitum Verb please, satisfy, be pleasing
profecto Adverb surely, certainly, indeed, truly
proinde Adverb hence, so then, according to/in the same manner/d…
propono, proponis, proponere C, proposui, propositum Verb display, propose, relate, put or place forward
quaeso, quaesis, quaesere C, -, - Verb beg, ask, ask for, seek
Quintus, Quinti [m.] O Noun Quintus (Roman praenomen), God, Diety, Daddy
quomodo Adverb (1.) how, in what way, just as (2.) how, in which…
rana, ranae [f.] A Noun frog
relinquo, relinquis, relinquere C, reliqui, relictum Verb leave behind, leave, abandon, desert
scio, scis, scire I, scivi, scitum Verb know
severus/severa/severum, AO Adjective stern, strict, severe, grave, austere, weighty, s…
stagnum, stagni [n.] O Noun alloy of sliver and lead, tin (late)
studeo, studes, studere E, studui, - Verb direct one's zeal, be eager for, study
tam Adverb so, so much (as), to such an extent/degree, never…
timidus/timida/timidum, AO Adjective (1.) timid, cowardly, fearful, apprehensive, with…
ut Conjunction (1.) as, like, how (2.) that, so that (3.) that (…
vel Conjunction (1.) or, even, actually, or even, in deed (2.) or…
volo, vis, velle IR, volui, - Verb want, wish
veto, vetas, vetare A, vetui, vetitum Verb forbid, prohibit, vote against, prevent, oppose, …
vir, viri [m.] O Noun man, hero, husband
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