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Vocable Translation
arbor, arboris [f.] C Noun tree
bibo, bibis, bibere C, bibi, - Verb drink
cena, cenae [f.] A Noun food, meal, dinner
contra Adverb (1.) against, facing, face-to-face, in the eyes, …
cum + Indikativ Präs./Perf. Preposition when
Facinus, Facinoris [n.] C Noun malpractice, crime
fames, famis [f.] M Noun hunger
genus, generis [n.] C Noun origin, kind, sort, class, sex, descent, race, st…
hic, haec, hoc Pronoun these
improbus/improba/improbum, AO Adjective wicked, flagrant, morally unsound, greedy, rude, …
in monte Phrase still in translation
intellego, intellegis, intellegere C, intellexi, intellectum Verb understand, realize, understand
invito, invitas, invitare A, invitavi, invitatum Verb entertain, invite, summon
is, is [f.] I Noun thirst, Hoarseness of voice
mors, mortis [f.] C Noun death, corpse, annihilation
natura, naturae [f.] A Noun nature
paene Adverb nearly, almost, mostly
poena, poenae [f.] A Noun penalty, punishment
poenas solvere Phrase still in translation
prudentia, prudentiae [f.] A Noun wisdom
punio, punis, punire I, punivi, punitum Verb punish
saxum, saxi [n.] O Noun rock, stone
scelus, sceleris [n.] C Noun evil deed, crime, sin, wickedness
sto, stas, stare A, steti, statum Verb stand, stand still, stand firm, remain, rest
vis, - [f.] M Noun force, power, violence, pl. strength
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