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Vocable Translation
amor, amoris [m.] C Noun Love, Amor (God of Love), love, amorous, enamored…
ars, artis [f.] M Noun art, skill
artificium, artificii [n.] O Noun artwork, craft, skill
cado, cadis, cadere C, cecidi, cadum Verb fall
caelum, caeli [n.] O Noun heaven, sky
casus, casus [m.] U Noun case, fall, occurrence, chance, misfortune
coniungo, coniungis, coniungere C, coniungiunxi, coniungiunctum Verb To marry
cupio, cupis, cupere M, cupivi, cupitum Verb desire, wish, long for
denique Adverb finally, in the end, and then, at worst, in short…
dies, diei [m.] E Noun (1.) Day (2.) day, Day, Diary (3.) Day
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
manus, manus [f.] U Noun hand, band (of men)
meridies, meridiei [m.] E Noun noon, midday, south
metus, metus [m.] U Noun fear, dread, anxiety
mortuus/mortua/mortuum, AO Adjective dead
neglego, neglegis, neglegere C, neglegxi, neglegctum Verb neglect, disregard
opus, operis [n.] C Noun work, achievement, oeuvre
petere a Phrase To ask for sth.
Petio, Petis, Petire I, Petivi, Petitum Verb go, attack, ask for
res, rei [f.] E Noun thing, matter, business, affair
sol, solis [m.] C Noun sun
solvo, solvis, solvere C, solvi, solutum Verb to loosen, unbind, unfasten, unfetter, untie, rel…
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