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Vocable Translation
a/ab Preposition from
adhuc Adverb yet, so far, still, thus far, till now, to this p…
alienus/aliena/alienum, AO Adjective foreign
alius - alius Phrase one - another
apporto, apportas, apportare A, apportavi, apportatum Verb carry/convey/bring (to), import, present (play), …
Bene Adverb well
bestia, bestiae [f.] A Noun beast, animal, creature, wild beast/animal, beast…
copia, copiae [f.] A Noun supply, inventory, stock, troops (pl), abundance
cum Conjunction with, when, at the time/on each occasion/in the s…
curia, curiae [f.] A Noun city hall, meeting house, curia/division of Roman…
de Preposition down, away from, from, off, about, of, concerning…
dono, donas, donare A, donavi, donatum Verb bestow, donate, give, present, reward
e/ex Preposition out of, from
femina, feminae [f.] A Noun woman
gaudium, gaudii [n.] O Noun happiness, joy, joy, gladness, delight, joy, glad…
gladius, gladii [m.] O Noun military sword, kind of short sword, (figurativel…
narro, narras, narrare A, narravi, narratum Verb tell
neco, necas, necare A, necavi, necatum Verb kill
neque Conjunction and not, nor, not, neither
novus/nova/novum, AO Adjective new
placeo, places, placere E, placui, placitum Verb please, satisfy, be pleasing
postremo Adverb eventually, finally
prae Preposition (1.) in front of, forward [prae sequor => go on b…
pro Preposition for, on behalf of, in front of, before, For/on be…
pugno, pugnas, pugnare A, pugnavi, pugnatum Verb fight, battle
quod Conjunction (1.) for the reason that, due to the fact that, a…
romanus, romani [m.] O Noun Roman, the Romans (pl.), Roman
si Conjunction if, If
sine Preposition without
supero, superas, superare A, superavi, superatum Verb beat, defeat, exceed, overcome, conquer, surpass
suus, sui [m.] O Noun his men (pl.), his friends
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
vita, vitae [f.] A Noun Life
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