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Vocable Translation
multi/multae/multa, AO Adjective much, many
ad Preposition (1.) to, toward, near, at, in, by, about (with nu…
aedificium, aedificii [n.] O Noun building, house
ambulo, ambulas, ambulare A, ambulavi, ambulatum Verb go, walk
amphitheatrum, amphitheatri [n.] O Noun amphitheater, double (oval/circular) theater havi…
ante Preposition (1.) before, in front of (2.) before, previously,…
basilica, basilicae [f.] A Noun church
carcer, carceris [m.] C Noun prison, jail, jailbird, starting barriers at race…
certe Adverb certainly, for sure
clarus/clara/clarum, AO Adjective famous, popular, clear, bright, loud
dea, deae [f.] A Noun god (f.), saint (f.), goddess
deus, dei [m.] O Noun god, supreme being, statue of god
dico, dicis, dicere C, dixi, dictum Verb say, call, tell
forum, fori [n.] O Noun marketplace, public square, forum
ibi Preposition (1.) there, in that place, thereupon (2.) there, …
monstro, monstras, monstrare A, monstravi, monstratum Verb show
ne Conjunction not, [ne....quidem => not even], truly, indeed, v…
per Preposition through, by, along
post+Acc. Preposition after, behind, later, afterwards
que Conjunction and, And, Und
Roma, Romae [f.] A Noun Rome
Romanus/Romana/Romanum, AO Adjective roman, Roman
solum Adverb only, just, alone
spectaculum, spectaculi [n.] O Noun play, drama, a sight, a show
statua, statuae [f.] A Noun statue
tam Adverb so, so much (as), to such an extent/degree, never…
templum, templi [n.] O Noun temple
theatrum, theatri [n.] O Noun Theatre
via, viae [f.] A Noun street, road, path, way
video, vides, videre E, vidi, visum Verb (1.) see (2.) Seem
vir, viri [m.] O Noun man, hero, husband
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