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Vocable Translation
auctor, auctoris [m.] C Noun author, leader, supporter, originator, founder, i…
auctoritas, auctoritatis [f.] C Noun authority
culpa, culpae [f.] A Noun fault
evenio, evenis, evenire I, eveni, eventum Verb come out, come about, come forth, happen, turn out
exemplum, exempli [n.] O Noun example
forum, fori [n.] O Noun marketplace, public square, forum
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
honore affici Phrase still in translation
iactare Other still in translation
ille, illa, illud Demonstrative Pronoun that
in culpa esse Phrase still in translation
in ius vocare Phrase still in translation
iudex, iudicis [m.] C Noun judge, juror
ius, iuris [n.] C Noun right, justice, (legal) bond, law
ius dicere Phrase still in translation
magistratus, magistratus [m.] U Noun magistrate, office
num Particle what? (in direct questions), if, whether, now, su…
parvo vendere Phrase still in translation
pello, pellis, pellere C, pepuli, pulsum Verb to chase away, to expel, slap, thrust, bump, beat…
praetor, praetoris [m.] C Noun praetor (official elected by the Romans who serve…
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
scelus, sceleris [n.] C Noun evil deed, crime, sin, wickedness
scelus committere Phrase make a crime, commit a crime
sic Adverb (1.) so, this, still, in this way (2.) Thus, Just…
talis/tale, talis M Adjective such, of such a sort
vas, vadis [m.] C Noun one who guarantees court appearance of defendant,…
vendo, vendis, vendere C, vendidi, venditum Verb sell
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