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Vocable Translation
adduco, adducis, adducere C, adduxi, adductum Verb lead, prompt, induce
commoveo, commoves, commovere E, commovi, commotum Verb (heavily) move, prompt
credo, credis, credere C, creddidi, credditum Verb believe, trust
decipio, decipis, decipere M, decepi, deceptum Verb cheat, deceive, mislead, dupe, trap, elude, escap…
dulcis/dulce, dulcis M Adjective cute, sweet, kind
incipio, incipis, incipere M, coepi, coeptum Verb start
laedo, laedis, laedere C, laesi, laesum Verb hurt
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
mortalis/mortale, mortalis M Adjective mortal
nimis / nimium Phrase still in translation
nēmō, nēminis [m.] M Noun no one, nobody
pergo, pergis, pergere C, perrexi, perrectum Verb go on, proceed
perturbo, perturbas, perturbare A, perturbavi, perturbatum Verb confuse, throw into confusion, disturb, perturb, …
quando Adverb when (interog), at what time, at any time (indef …
stultus/stulta/stultum, AO Adjective foolish, stupid
unde Adverb Whence, From what or which place, From which, Fro…
vix Adverb hardly, barely, only with difficulty, just now
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