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Vocable Translation
actio, actionis [f.] C Noun (1.) action (2.) act, action, activity, deed, inc…
an Conjunction (1.) (2.) can it be that (introduces question ex…
ars, artis [f.] M Noun art, skill
caedes, caedis [f.] C Noun Slaughter, assassination, murder
comprehendo, comprehendis, comprehendere C, comprehendi, comprehensum Verb catch/seize/grasp firmly, arrest, take hold/root/…
disco, discis, discere C, didici, discitum Verb learn, hear, get to know, become acquainted with,…
eiusmodi Other
intellego, intellegis, intellegere C, intellexi, intellectum Verb understand, realize, understand
is, ea, id Demonstrative Pronoun this
memoria, memoriae [f.] A Noun memory, recollection
mens, mentis [f.] M Noun mind, spirit, intention, purpose, attitude
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
mille, milis [n.] I Noun thousand, thousands (men/things), miles, [~ passu…
modus, modi [m.] O Noun (1.) measure, bound, limit (2.) manner, method, m…
ne Conjunction not, [ne....quidem => not even], truly, indeed, v…
nisi / ni Phrase still in translation
pertineo, pertines, pertinere E, pertinui, pertentum Verb reach, extend, relate to, concerns, pertain to
sententia, sententiae [f.] A Noun feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence
solum Adverb only, just, alone
supero, superas, superare A, superavi, superatum Verb beat, defeat, exceed, overcome, conquer, surpass
sīgnum, sīgnī [n.] O Noun (1.) sign (2.) standard
ultro Adverb besides, beyond, to/on the further/other side, vo…
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