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Vocable Translation
aspicio, aspicis, aspicere M, aspexi, aspectum Verb look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard, fa…
brevi tempore Phrase In a short time
brevis/breve, brevis M Adjective (1.) short, brief (2.) short, small, brief (3.) s…
constat, constitit (+ACI) Verb it is certain (that)
contendo, contendis, contendere C, contendi, contendum Verb strive, struggle, contend, hasten
crudelis/crudele, crudelis M Adjective cruel, hardhearted, unmerciful, severe, bloodthir…
existimo, existimas, existimare A, existimavi, existimatum Verb value, esteem, form, hold opinion/view, think, su…
margo, margois [f.] M Noun area, region, neighborhood, district, country, di…
mirus/mira/mirum, AO Adjective wonderful, strange, remarkable, amazing, surprisi…
mitto, mittis, mittere C, misi, missum Verb send
muto, mutas, mutare A, mutavi, mutatum Verb (1.) change, alter (2.) exchange
orbis, orbis [m.] M Noun circle, region/territory, defines circular objects
orbis terrarum Phrase the flat earth, the dome of god
post+Acc. Preposition after, behind, later, afterwards
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
promitto, promittis, promittere C, promittmisi, promittmissum Verb send forth, promise
puto, putas, putare A, putavi, putatum Verb think, clean, trim, reckon, suppose, judge, think…
quaero, quaeris, quaerere C, quaesivi, quaesitum Verb search, research, ask
tempus, temporis [n.] C Noun time, occasion, opportunity, condition, right tim…
tot Adverb so many
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