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Vocable Translation
angustus/angusta/angustum, AO Adjective narrow, steep, close, confined, scanty, poor, low…
audio, audis, audire I, audivi, auditum Verb hear, listen to, to Hear, to Listen, hear, listen…
cinis, cineris [m.] C Noun ash, ruin, death
decedo, decedis, decedere C, decessi, decessum Verb withdraw/retire, go off/away, depart, leave, reli…
deleo, deles, delere E, delevi, deletum Verb destroy, wipe out, erase
discedo, discedis, discedere C, discessi, discessum Verb go away, depart
effugio, effugis, effugere M, effugi, effugitum Verb flee, escape, run, slip, keep away (from), eschew…
exstinguo, exstinguis, exstinguere C, exstinxi, exstinctum Verb put out, extinguish, quench, kill, destroy
extra Preposition beyond, outside
mala, malae [f.] A Noun cheeks, jaws, trouble
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
N/A Verb still in translation
neco, necas, necare A, necavi, necatum Verb kill
nihil Pronoun nothing
novus/nova/novum, AO Adjective new
nubes, nubis [f.] C Noun cloud
nuntius, nuntii [m.] M Noun envoy, messenger, message
oppidum, oppidi [n.] O Noun town, city
saevus/saeva/saevum, AO Adjective savage, fierce, ferocious, violent, wild, raging,…
salus, salutis [f.] C Noun salutation, greeting, safety, salvation, health
sentio, sentis, sentire I, sensi, sensum Verb feel, perceive, think, experience
sub+Abl. Preposition below, under, beneath
tego, tegis, tegere C, texi, tectum Verb cover
tempero, temperas, temperare A, temperavi, temperatum Verb combine, blend, temper, make mild, refrain from, …
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
torqueo, torques, torquere E, torsi, tortum Verb turn, twist, hurl, torture, torment, bend, distor…
volo, vis, velle IR, volui, - Verb want, wish
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