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Vocable Translation
an Conjunction (1.) (2.) can it be that (introduces question ex…
causa, causae [f.] A Noun reason, cause, case, situation
committo, committis, committere C, committmisi, committmissum Verb to entrust (e.g. a task) to another, to start, to…
controversia, controversiae [f.] A Noun controversy, dispute, argument, debate, verbal fi…
convenio, convenis, convenire I, convenirei, conventum Verb (1.) gather, convene, assemble, accost (2.) agree…
culpa, culpae [f.] A Noun fault
debeo, debes, debere E, debui, debitum Verb owe, ought, must
evenio, evenis, evenire I, eveni, eventum Verb come out, come about, come forth, happen, turn out
Facinus, Facinoris [n.] C Noun malpractice, crime
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
ille, illa, illud Demonstrative Pronoun that
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
iudex, iudicis [m.] C Noun judge, juror
ius, iuris [n.] C Noun right, justice, (legal) bond, law
ludo, ludis, ludere C, lusi, lusum Verb trick, play
pello, pellis, pellere C, pepuli, pulsum Verb to chase away, to expel, slap, thrust, bump, beat…
pila, pilae [f.] A Noun ball (play/decorative), sphere, mortar, vessel in…
pono, ponis, ponere C, posui, positum Verb (1.) put, place, set, station, set aside (2.) put…
pulso, pulsas, pulsare A, pulsavi, pulsatum Verb beat, pulsate
scelus, sceleris [n.] C Noun evil deed, crime, sin, wickedness
seco, secas, secare A, secavi, secatum Verb cut, sever, decide, divide in two, halve, split, …
urbanus/urbana/urbanum, AO Adjective of the city, urban, urbane, elegant
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