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Vocable Translation
afficio, afficis, afficere M, affeci, affectum Verb manage, influence, make, punish
aliquando Adverb sometime (or other), at any time, ever, finally, …
aquila, aquilae [f.] A Noun silver eagle on pole, standard of a legion, legio…
avis, avis [f.] M Noun bird, sign, omen, portent
caelum, caeli [n.] O Noun heaven, sky
caro, carnis [f.] M Noun meat, flesh, the_body, pulpy/fleshy/soft parts (p…
cruciatus, cruciatus [m.] U Noun torture/cruelty, torture form/apparatus, sufferin…
crudelis/crudele, crudelis M Adjective cruel, hardhearted, unmerciful, severe, bloodthir…
disco, discis, discere C, didici, discitum Verb learn, hear, get to know, become acquainted with,…
doceo, doces, docere E, docui, doctum Verb teach
heu Interjection oh! ah! alas! (an expression of dismay or pain), …
hostia, hostiae [f.] A Noun sacrificial animal
icio, icis, icere M, ici, ictum Verb hit, strike, smite, stab, sting, [foedus ~ => con…
ignis, ignis [m.] C Noun fire
instituo, instituis, instituere C, institui, institutum Verb build, establish
interficio, interficis, interficere M, interfeci, interfectum Verb (1.) kill, murder, destroy, put and end to (2.) o…
necesse est Phrase it is necessary
sol, solis [m.] C Noun sun
sumo, sumis, sumere C, sumpsi, sumptum Verb take
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
vero Conjunction (1.) verily, truly, indeed (2.) but (3.) but, yes…
veto, vetas, vetare A, vetui, vetitum Verb forbid, prohibit, vote against, prevent, oppose, …
vexo, vexas, vexare A, vexavi, vexatum Verb shake, jolt, toss violently, annoy, trouble, hara…
vincio, vincis, vincire I, vinxi, vinctum Verb bind, fetter, restrain
vivo, vivis, vivere C, vixi, - Verb live
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