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Vocable Translation
adversus/adversa/adversum, AO Adjective opposite, directly facing, ranged against, advers…
arcus, arcus [m.] U Noun bow, arc, coil, arch, rainbow, anything arched or…
casus, casus [m.] U Noun case, fall, occurrence, chance, misfortune
contra Adverb (1.) against, facing, face-to-face, in the eyes, …
cursus, cursus [m.] U Noun running, race, course
defendo, defendis, defendere C, defendi, defensum Verb ward off, defend, protect
delector, delectaris, delectari A, delectatus sum (Dep.) Verb delight, please, amuse, fascinate, charm, lure, e…
domus, domus [f.] U Noun house, home (NB 3 special uses and endings: domi …
facio, facis, facere M, feci, factum Verb do, make, handle
humanus/humana/humanum, AO Adjective human
impetus, impetus [m.] U Noun attack, assault, charge, attempt, impetus, vigor,…
iucundus/iucunda/iucundum, AO Adjective pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing
liceo, lices, licere E, licui, - Verb fetch (price)
lyra, lyrae [f.] A Noun lyre, lyric poetry/inspiration/genius, Lyra/the L…
manus, manus [f.] U Noun hand, band (of men)
metus, metus [m.] U Noun fear, dread, anxiety
plus, pluris [n.] C Noun more (often + gen.)
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
sensus, sensus [m.] U Noun feeling, sense
teneo, tenes, tenere E, tenui, tentum Verb (1.) hold, grasp (2.) keep, possess (3.) occupy
usus, usus [m.] U Noun use, benefit, advantage
valeo, vales, valere E, valui, valiturum Verb (1.) be strong, have power (2.) be well
vultus, vultus [m.] U Noun countenance, face, expression, Expression
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