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Vocable Translation
adhibeo, adhibes, adhibere E, adhibui, adhibitum Verb summon, invite, bring in, consult, put, add, use,…
arx, arcis [f.] M Noun castle, fortress
bonum, boni [n.] O Noun good, good thing, profit, advantage, goods (pl.),…
circumdo, circumdas, circumdare A, circumdedi, circumdatum Verb surround, envelop, post/put/place/build around, e…
communis/commune, communis M Adjective common, general, of the community, for the commun…
crudelitas, crudelitatis [f.] C Noun cruelty/barbarity, harshness/severity, savagery/i…
do, das, dare A, dedi, datum Verb give, offer, grant
hostis, hostis [m.] M Noun enemy
ignarus/ignara/ignarum, AO Adjective ignorant, unaware, having no experience of, sense…
mare, maris [n.] I Noun sea, moon plains
moenia, moenium [n.] I (Pl.) Noun (city) walls
moveo, moves, movere E, movi, motum Verb move, arouse, affect, set in motion, stir up
novum, novis [n.] C Noun omen, sign, token
oraculum, oraculi [n.] O Noun oracle
osculum, osculi [n.] O Noun kiss
ostendo, ostendis, ostendere C, ostendi, ostentum Verb exhibit, show, display
primus/prima/primum, AO Adjective first, foremost, chief, principal
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
rideo, rides, ridere E, risi, risum Verb laugh
serpo, serpis, serpere C, serpsi, serptum Verb crawl, move slowly on, glide, creep on
solere Other still in translation
soror, sororis [f.] C Noun sister, nun
terra marique Phrase still in translation
tyrannus, tyranni [m.] O Noun (1.) tyrant, one who seized power illegally (2.) …
vates, vatis [m.] C Noun prophet/seer, mouthpiece of deity, oracle, sooths…
vis, - [f.] M Noun force, power, violence, pl. strength
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