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Vocable Translation
aedifico, aedificas, aedificare A, aedificavi, aedificatum Verb to build, construct
ars, artis [f.] M Noun art, skill
augeo, auges, augere E, auxi, auctum Verb enlarge, extend, increase
creusa Noun still in translation
expugno, expugnas, expugnare A, expugnavi, expugnatum Verb take by assault, storm, capture, reduce, subdue
futurus/futura/futurum, AO Adjective about to be, future
gens, gentis [f.] M Noun folk, nation, people, tribe, clan, Gentiles
gloria, gloriae [f.] A Noun glory, fame, honor
habeo, habes, habere E, habui, habitum Verb have, hold, possess, consider, think
habito, habitas, habitare A, habitavi, habitatum Verb reside, live, dwell
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
inter (+ acc.) Preposition between, among, amid
mos, moris [m.] C Noun habit, custom, manner, (plural) habits, character
murus, muri [m.] O Noun wall, city wall
orbis, orbis [m.] M Noun circle, region/territory, defines circular objects
orbis terrarum Phrase the flat earth, the dome of god
pax, pacis [f.] C Noun peace
posterus, posteri [m.] O Noun descendants (pl.), posterity, future generations/…
regno, regnas, regnare A, regnavi, regnatum Verb reign, rule
rex, regis [m.] C Noun king
sic Adverb (1.) so, this, still, in this way (2.) Thus, Just…
supero, superas, superare A, superavi, superatum Verb beat, defeat, exceed, overcome, conquer, surpass
superbus/superba/superbum, AO Adjective arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud
tandem Adverb finally, eventually, at last, after all, Finally,…
tempero, temperas, temperare A, temperavi, temperatum Verb combine, blend, temper, make mild, refrain from, …
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
tuus/tua/tuum, AO Adjective your
umbra, umbrae [f.] A Noun (1.) shade, ghost, shadow (2.) shade, shadow (3.)…
vel Conjunction (1.) or, even, actually, or even, in deed (2.) or…
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